Chapter 14: Revenge Plan

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Peter's POV:

Someone tapped me on the shoulder and handed me the Friday glasses. Oh my god! I can't believe I dropped them! God, I'm so stupid, I can't even keep track of something so simple!

"Oh my god, thank you so much!" I said, taking them carefully.

"What are those? Are those the..." Beck said, pointing to them. I felt even more embarrassed.

"Friday glasses? Yeah..."

"It was on the floor? Try them on, let's see how they look on you," he said smiling.

I put the glasses on carefully, adjusted them a bit, and turned to him, making a serious face, like Mr. Stark.

"...I actually really like them," I said, after he didn't say anything for a few seconds.

"Can I be completely honest with you?"


"They look really stupid," he said. I lowered my head a bit. Maybe he was right.

"Maybe they have a contact version of them?" he suggested, and I chuckled. Then, I got an idea.

"You try 'em on!" I said, taking them off quickly and handing them out to him.

"No come on."

"Try 'em on!"

"I don't wanna. I don't wanna try 'em on."

"Just put them on!" I insisted. He hesitated, then took them from me. He put them on and looked at me.

Wow. He...he kinda looks like Mr. Stark. It suits him much more than it suits me. It's like they were made for him.

"What do you think kid?" he finally asked.

Fury was right, I'm not ready for this, and I've proved him right with everything I do. Beck, he deserves this. He deserves the glasses.

"Mr. Stark must have known I wasn't ready for these, he would have wanted me to give them to someone who deserves them," I told Beck.

"No, come on, no," he said, taking off the glasses and handing them back to me. I put them on.


"Hello, Peter."

"Hi, yeah um id like to transfer your control over to Quentin Beck."

"Peter, what are you doing?" Beck said.

"I'm doing the right thing."

"Any transfer will require confirmation," Friday said.

"Stark gave you the glasses," Beck said.

"And he knows I'm not ready for them. I'm just a sixteen year old kid from Queens, and you're an adult with experience," I said.

"Waiting for confirmation," Friday said.

"Confirm," I said, handing the glasses back to Beck.

"Welcome to the Avengers," I said, and we shook hands.

"Thank you. It's an honor," he said.

"Yeah," I said, and took my backpack and slung it back over my shoulder. I should get back to Y/N now.

"Mr. Stark is gonna like you," I said, smiling.

"Where you headed?" he asked.

"I'm gonna go find Y/N," I told him.

"Good luck with your plan, kid," he said, and I smiled and left.

Third Person POV:

After Peter left, the room started to slowly disappear. People, furniture, decorations were all revealed as just simple holograms. In the middle of it all, Quentin Beck sat, unfazed.

Beck started to smile.

"See? That wasn't so hard," he said, as the few people who didn't disappear started cheering.

"Somebody get this stupid costume off me!" Beck yelled, as some people came over and removed his cape. He took off the glasses and handed them to one of his associates.

"Okay we got Friday. Connect those into the system," he ordered.

"Toast, toast, toast!" the crowd chanted. Beck stood on the bar table, drink in hand.

"Now this is a big win, but we have still got a lot of work to do," he said. The crowd still chanted, so Beck gave in a rose his glass.

"Okay, toast! To the man who brought us all together, our former boss, Tony Stark!" he said, though his hatred from Tony showed.

"Boo!" everyone said.

"The jester king. Literally wrapped in wealth and technology, just like his daughter, that they are unfit to wield. Like the holographic system I designed. A revolutionary breakthrough with limitless applications that Tony turned into a self-therapy machine, and re-named it BARF," he said, angry.

"He named my life's work, BARF. I told him that it was a mistake. That my technology could change the world. And then, he fired me. Said I Tony!" he said, still determined after all these years.

Beck then goes around, toasting to all his associates who have been helping him create this Mysterio ruse, so he can get back at Tony, and become better than him.

"And once we kill Tony Stark and his daughter, there will be a window of opportunity, and someone will step up. But these days, you can be the smartest person in the room, the most qualified and no one cares! Unless you're flying around with a cape, or shooting lasers from your hands, no one will even listen. Well...I've got a cape, and lasers. With our technology, and Friday, Mysterio will be the greatest hero on earth! And everyone will listen! Not to a boozy man-child."


"Not to a hormonal teenage."


"To me! And my very wealthy crew. To us!" he said triumphantly.

"To us!"

"To Mysterio!" Beck toasted.

"To Mysterio!"

"To Peter Parker!"

"To Peter Parker!" they repeated back.

"To Y/N Stark!"

"To Y/N Stark!" they cheered. Beck lowered his glass.

"Poor kid," he said, feeling a bit of regret for Peter and Y/N. Ever since Y/N became a part of this mission, he knew she had to die too. Tony always had to. There could be no more Stark's.

"Let's get back to work!" Beck shouted.

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