Chapter 1

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~Chisai is now 9 because I said so, Chung is 22 Ara is 24. All still look the same~

"Chisai go to bed." I repeated myself again as she crossed her arms with a frown.

"Chung! Why won't you help me? She listens to you more then me!"

He rolled over on our bed and stretched. He held out his arms and stared at us upside down. "Come sleep with daddy so mommy will relax." He said with an amused look.

She ran away from me and jumped into his arms.

She giggled as he tickled her and I came over to them.

Chung still has his childish and cute side.

The only difference that's happened with Chung, is his hair is a little longer, since I sheared alot of it, which he was mad at me for a month about, but now it's back, longer and prettier then it was. Another change is he's taller then me by about three inches now, which he takes extreme advantage of, and the last thing is, his thing has gotten huge! Just think about thirty year old Chung...Oh my god...

Chung laughed at me last time I seen him naked, which was the last time for a long time. I couldn't keep myself from blushing at all. My whole body was red. I know this because he stripped me and pulled me into his bath with him. Either that or the scolding hot water. Chisai walked in on us that day too but luckily she didn't see anything but my body, which she didn't mind because she's a girl too. Also, Rena and Aisha are obsessed with her. Eve and Add teach her about the Earth and what, Rena and Aisha get her her clothes, which are always cute little dresses. One time, Chisai came home with a yellow and white dress that had bunnies and eggs on it, and bunny ears. Chung wouldn't let her go after that experience. And Elesis, she just plays with her and sometimes, Chisai will call her Aunt swordy. It's really cute to see Elesis fuss about it. But in a good way. Lu is by far her favorite though. Lu always has a bucket of candy with her wherever she goes.

Now then, to other matters, Eve and Add are a couple Rena and Raven got married Elsword and Aisha still fight, but they do it out of love, Lu and Ciel kiss more, but now we know the kissing back then was for the contract the ones now are of love.

Back to Chisai matter, Raven, and Elsword. Them to her are the 'fun machine's'. They'll take her to game places and carnivals and stuff. Ciel, he plays with her sometimes, but only shows interest in his gun blades and Lu of course. Mostly. He pushes Lu to go shopping with Rena and Aisha and she comes back looking frilly and cutesy.

Finished with that.

I moved Chung's bangs out of his face and kissed his forehead. He kissed my cheek then went back to tickling Chisai. He gave her at least some time to breathe from all the laughing she's doing.

He got her to fall asleep, more or less pass out, and he carried her to her bed which was where the couch used to be, but the couch was now infront of the window.

Chung layed down next to me and pulled me down.

I smiled at him and whispered, "I love you, even if you are a dummy."

"I'm your dummy." He said back and kissed me. "Ara. Do you think she'll find out that we're not married yet? You do know that she's practically only yours until we are."

I snuggled against his chest. "I'm not getting married to you unless my man will be sweet and childish. Maybe...We should get away from Chisai for about a day? You know...The day I had her I told you I'd give you a better greeting. Maybe if we can get Rena and Aisha to go on an ultimate shopping spree...and ask them to keep her out at least six hours...We can do a very good greeting."

"I like the way you think." He said and kissed my neck. "I haven't gotten to see if these babies with fit in my hands anymore for a long time. About since that bath."

I smiled at him. "I'm sure they still fit."

He moaned as he stretched and said, "hopefully. I don't plan on setting them down while she's gone."

I giggled covered his face in kisses.

His arms wrapped around my waist. "Goodnight babe." He said as both our eyes closed.

"Goodnight Chung." I whispered back as I fell asleep.


My excuse for no picture is my phone says my wattpad session is canceled. Luckily, I got my kindle fire though!

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