Chapter 10

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Araumi means riptide.

Ok before you start reading, tell me something. Would you all like me to make a separate book for Chisai and Kuroko? From the looks I'm probably going to put them together. Comment your answers and I'll decide if I should or not~._____

"That was a big surprise, having Chung burst into my room like that. He almost scared me out of my skin." Rena said as she handed me a baby boy.

Raven sat on Rena's couch, with Chung, who was bouncing regardless of how many times Raven said 'she's ok dude.'

I was with Rena in her bathroom. Rena made a good nurse honestly. She helped me with Chisai, too.

"What are you going to name him?" She asked and sat next to me.

"Umm...Araumi? Is that a good name?"

"Araumi is a cute name!" Rena squealed and ran out of the bathroom.

I heard Chung make a sound...'gwahhh!' As she hugged him saying, "Araumi! Araumi! Araumi!"

I giggled as Chung slowly walked in rubbing the back of his head. He sat next to me and wrapped an arm around me. "I hope Chisai likes him." He said and picked me up.

~Later with Chisai and Kuroko~

"Ar-ow-mi?" Chisai said trying to say his name.

"Araumi." I repeated the seventh time as I leaned against Chung's chest, as Kuroko stared at him.

"Shiya?" Kuroko called and gently pressed Araumi's forehead, and he started crying as Kuroko started glowing then he was knocked out.

A blonde haired girl jumped out of his body, and tackled Kuroko to the floor. "Hi hi hi hi hi hi hi!" She squealed. "I love you!"

"Uh yeah ok. Get off."

She ignored him and held onto him tightly.

I looked at Chisai, and she was watching too, but her eyes had tears forming.

I hugged her and Chung whispered in her ear. "Don't worry, Shiya is a fire fox so she's supposed to act like that. Shadow foxes are like gods to them."

"Really?" She asked and looked up at him.

"Yes." He said and rubbed her back.

We looked back down at the foxes to see Shiya on Kuroko and she was rubbing his now bare chest as she unbuttoned her shirt.

He just stared at her with wide eyes.

Chung leaned forward then over, and I slapped his eyes so they would shut. "Bad Chung." I said and pushed him down on the bed.

Next thing I saw was Chisai on Kuroko instead with Shiya on the other side of the room.

She gently kissed him, and dang, Kuroko had the reddest face on Earth at the moment.

I smiled, while Chung let off a low growl.

I covered his mouth and whispered in his ear. "Let them have this moment or I'll kill you." I threatened.

He layed his head against my stomach and hugged my waist.

I stroked his hair, as Chisai parted the kiss.

Kuroko's head dropped to the floor, and from how deep red his cheeks were, I wouldn't be surprised if steam was rising.

"Mama I think he's dead." Chisai said as she poked Kuroko's cheek.

"I don't think he's dead. If he was his face wouldn't be so red."

She rubbed his cheek next, then pressed his forehead. "Return." She said and his body glowed and he dissolved.

The Prince and the Fox (Book 2) (Chung X AraWhere stories live. Discover now