Chapter 21

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"They're completely gone?" I asked, pulled off all the bandages.

He nodded, and I hugged him. "That's great." I said and scratched him behind his ear, earning a long and loud purr.

"Like that, do you?" I giggled, and scratched the other too. I kissed his cheek, then crawled onto the bed. I poked Kuroko, who hugged me.

"You're still only my master." Kuroko growled, and cuddled me.

I scratched him behind his ear in the same place I had with Oribu, and he purred the exact same was Oribu did.

"Re-in-carn-a-tion." I teased, and he hissed. He bit my hand, and I stopped scratching his ear. "Meanie."

"Chi-sa-i!" I heard mama's voice, and the door swung open.

In a moment of panic, I forcefully sucked Oribu and Kuroko into my mind.

I sat up quickly, and mama came in. "Mm? Where's Kuroko and the other one?"

I just stared innocently. I added in a smile, and she gave me a weird look. I heard Kuroko burst out laughing in my mind, and Oribu shushed him. "Don't laugh at a lady. It's rude." He scolded.

"Yes, of course mother." Kuroko growled and I felt him shuffle.

"Don't argue, son." Oribu growled back, and I felt the tension rise between the two.

"So then, Chisai. What would you say if I told you that I had a ton of tickets for the carnival," Mama came and sat next to me, "and I said that You, Kuroko, your other fox friend,"

I cut her off. "Oribu is his name."

"Yes, yes. You, Kuroko, Oribu, Ameia, Kisei, Araumi, Shiya, your father, and I all went to the carnival, and I also said that I won't supervise you, and I won't let your father follow you. What would you do?"

"I would kiss you and tell you that you're the best mom I could ever ask for."

"Then go get dressed and call Ameia and Kisei. Then if you would, please go and tell Araumi the news."

"Mama!" I hugged her happily, and kissed her cheek.

She smiled, then stood. Instead of leaving, she swung around, and leaned forward. She poked my nose. "There's still rules though, Chisai."

"And what are these rules?" I said, as I saw daddy peek in.

Mama went to the door and made him leave the door, then shut it.
"You have to watch Araumi. Shiya has never been to a place like a carnival before, so she, being a girl, would probably be too excited. Yes, she would still protect him, but she would be too happy looking around to give him her full attention." She looked at my forehead. "Take out your foxy friends."

I forced them out of my head, and they fell on the floor.

She smiled, and pet Oribu, who was now sitting against the bed. He purred, as Kuroko crawled to me. "So you'll be watching Araumi and Shiya. Next," she looked at Kuroko, "No touching my baby inappropriately unless absolutely necessary. As in, it's your last choice of a grab or something." She looked at Oribu. She crouched next to him, and they stared into each others eyes.

"I don't have to worry about this one. He's too...innocent, I suppose."

"Pfft. Innocent." Kuroko whispered to himself, and I gently kicked him.

"Behave." I said, and pressed his head against my leg, which he seemed to enjoy.

"Why does he not seem innocent to you, Kuroko?" Mama looked at him curiously.

The Prince and the Fox (Book 2) (Chung X AraNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ