Chapter 27

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Oh my god I was trying to scare one of my kittens while writing this, and I accidently hit publish before I was done. That "SHIT SHIT SHIT" moment was real XD.

~Three years later~

"Guess what happened to me yesterday while you were ditching school." Ameia said with a grin as she and Kisei went and sat on my bed.

Both Kuroko and Oribu jumped out of my body and changed into foxes while I sat down on the edge of the bed. I propped my feet up on Kuroko's back when he laid against the bed, and he purred. Er...if foxes can purr.

"What happened?"

"A guy asked me out. Didn't he Kisei?" She said with a bigger grin.

She had been staring at Oribu as he stretched. He seemed to have noticed to, because when she didn't answer, he threw his tails in her face and scared the living daylights out of her. "H-huh?" She hugged all his tails, and looked at us. "What?"

Ameia and I exchanged amused looks. "Someone's smitten." I teased, and she pushed away all Oribu's tails.

She tackled me, and we fell off the bed and onto Kuroko, who got the breath knocked out of him at the sudden three hundred pounds or so dropped on him. "I am not!" She whined.

"Oribu." I called and he looked at me. He was sprawled out across the floor now on his side. I smiled at him innocently, and groped Kisei, who panicked. "How does this make you feel?"

"She's a fine lady. But I'm not going to feel or think much of anything else, since she's so much younger than me. Why? She never came off as insecure to me. That's something you should ask Kuroko, not me."

In the corner of my eye, I saw Kuroko change forms. He jumped up onto the bed, snickered at Oribu. "I thought you were smart, old man."

"I wouldn't have to be smart to kick your black hide."

Kuroko growled, but continued on. "Do you even know what smitten means?"

"Of course I know what it means, and I know what she meant, and I know all that's happening here. Do you have something to sat, shortstack, or are you satisfied?" Oribu stood, and the tension in the room skyrocketed.

Kuroko got off the bed and stood up to Oribu. "I am not short." He growled.

"Short." Oribu mocked him, and I felt all the shadows in the room shift.

I looked at Kuroko's fists, and they were engulfed in shadows.

"Kuroko, stop it, Oribu, don't spur his anger. Both of you sit down." I commanded, and Oribu immediately sat back down on the floor and changed to a fox. He sprawled back out, and looked at Kuroko.

Kuroko's shadows grew bigger.

"Kuroko, I said stop it." I said again, louder. "You know you can't beat him anyway, so there's no point in trying."

"Won't know if I don't try." He changed to a fox and in a split second, he bit Oribu hard in the side. Oribu launched himself up, and with amazing strength, he pinned down Kuroko and in the process, knocked him off.

"If you ever bite me again, I will not hesitate to put you in a hospital, got it, you little rat? Now why don't you apologize to the lady? They're fragile and we don't need you hurting anyone because you have such a big ego." Oribu growled, and Kuroko kicked at him with his back legs.

Oribu's mouth started dripping water, and the first few drop that hit Kuroko's pelt made him yelp. He squirmed underneath Oribu, and successfully ripped up Oribu's soft underbelly.

The Prince and the Fox (Book 2) (Chung X AraWhere stories live. Discover now