Chapter 20

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"Why?" Kuroko complained, as I pushed him into a dressing room with Oribu.

"Because you need new clothes too."

"What is this box?" Oribu asked as he touched a mirror.

"A box that will ship you away to Elysion." Kuroko said sarcastically.

"Oh, that's cool. I need to get one of these." He said, and Kuroko snickered.

"Don't be mean." I hissed, and stabbed his arm with one of my nails.

He turned into a fox and started to lick me all over. His tongue was as long as me! I guess that's normal though for how big he is. But still!

"Kuroko!" I complained, and stomped on his paw.

He growled, turned to a human, and slowly sank into the shadows. "Oh no! It has me. I'm going to hellll." He said, then disappeared.

"That rat." I hissed, then shut Oribu in the dressing room. Ameia and Kisei just stared at me.

"Well? Let's go find him some clothes before he tries to teleport to Elysion or something."

~An hour later~

Oribu had changed to a fox to show how much he hated our shopping spree, and padded behind us. Kuroko had returned mid spree and just watched us. He was also in fox form.

Kisei Ameia and I sat on a bench at the park just outside of town, next to a long and wide river. Kuroko laid at my feet and put his head in my lap. I pet him, and kissed his muzzle. He made a weird animal sound, and spoke in my head. Are you tired?

A little.

Would you like me to carry you around now?

No. It wouldn't be fair to Kisei and Ameia.

He huffed, and made a purring sound in my head.

"Chisai, do you know if it's legal to play in the river?" Ameia asked.

"I think so. But isn't it deep?"

"It doesn't look deep." Kisei said and stood. She walked over to the river, and stuck a finger in.

Oribu changed to a human, and so did Kuroko. "It doesn't have to look deep to be deep." Oribu said, and walked over to her. "It's twenty three feet deep."

"How do you know that?"

"Water fox." He pointed out, then suddenly lunged forward, scaring Kisei to death.

He changed to a fox in the water, and floated.

Kisei puffed her cheeks, then jumped out toward him. She landed on his stomach. "I thought you were gonna take my head off, you jerk!" She complained.

She climbed onto his back, and he laughed. "Sorry, miss. Just had an urge to swim."

"Kisei." I walked over to the bank of the river. "Your shirt is gonna be see-through if you get it wet."

"Oh well." She said with a grin, and laid down on Oribu. She wrapped her arms halfway around his neck, and held onto his fur. "Can you go under?" She asked.

His tail wagged, then he dipped and they went under the water.

I stared at the water for an entire minute. Kuroko, can Oribu breathe underwater?

Yeah. If you're within a five foot radius of him you can too, if he wants you to.

Suddenly, I spied Oribu's hair, and his head popped out from under the water. He was in human form, and had a fish in his mouth. He was holding Kisei, who had her arms around his neck.

The Prince and the Fox (Book 2) (Chung X AraTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang