Chapter 3

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"Mama!" I heard Chisai's voice outside the door.

I used my tiger spirit to unlock and open the door.

The spirit allowed Rena and Chisai into the room.

The spirit shut the door, and I realized Chisai was in a towel. "She needs clothes." Rena whispered to me. "Where are they?"

"In that closet over there. She has some of the dresses you bought her in there." I whispered back.

Rena picked up a dress she recently got her.

She took to dress and they left, leaving me and Chung alone again.

I untangled my hair from his fingers and got off the bed.

I fixed my hair from how messy his hands made it. Then I changed into shorts and a tank top.

I looked back at the bed as he woke up.

"Ara." He said in a long childish voice. "Gimme kiss?" He said and rolled onto his back.

"Go take a bath and then I'll give you a kiss." I said with a smile.

"Will you take it with me? I don't feel like I can move," he paused as he dragged his voice and obviously faked a cough. "I feel sick...Won't you wash me?"

"I'm not taking a bath with you, that's for sure, but if you must have me wash you, I get to cut off some more of that hair."

"I suddenly feel better."

"I'm gonna shear it anyway so enjoy washing it." I said smugly and picked up scissors. "They really love your beautiful locks of hair."

"Ara. Cut my hair, I rape you. Sure you wanna do that?"

"I call son!" I squealed like a child and jumped up and down as my hands clapped happily. I stopped and looked at him. "Come here." I said and ran at him with the scissors.

His color drained and he jumped off the bed and ran into the bathroom.

He shut the door on me. "I can break this down. I'm not as weak as you think." I said and started pushing on the door. Ok this thing is made of metal if I can't knock it down. I'm strong right?

"If you come in you'll meet an old friend." He said from inside. "Don't worry though. He really wants to see you."

"Did you lock the door?"

"No." He said sarcastically. "Why would I try to keep you out? Oh yeah you're trying to cut my hair! You ain't touching it!"

"Aww. Come on baby come out."

"No thank you."

"I can't even trim it?"

"It's fine Ara! Just leave my poor hair be!"

"It's me or the hair. No haircut and I'll walk out on you. Well, actually I'll make you go back to your old room. I can't exactly walk out on you."

"Promise it's a trim?"

"If it's not I promise you can cut some of my hair. I just want to make it at least shoulder length. God Chung! Your hair is almost as long as mine! Just let me cut it! I'll make it at a satisfying point for you but I'm not going to love a man with hair down to the middle of his back!"

"I happen to like my hair and its not that long. It's above that. It's shoulder length to me."

"I'm gonna rip this door down." I paused. "Or just get Raven, Ciel, Elsword, or Add to do it."

"If you can successfully get the door down I'll let you cut it to your liking or shoulder length. If you can't I get a small trim. See? Either way you get to attack my poor hair."

"Come out Chung."

The door cracked own, and he peeked at me. "Scissors?" He held out his hand through the crack. "Give them to me."

I took his hand and pulled him out of the bathroom.

I pinned him in a chair and sat in his lap. "Hold still or it'll be uneven."

I cut off two inches of his hair, and then let him run away to a mirror like he did last time. "It's not much Chung. Come here."

He came to me slowly and I kissed him. "It's not that bad. It's just hair. It'll grow back."

He stayed quiet.

"Are you mad at me?"

He motioned no with his head and he layed down on the bed.

"Are you going to ignore me now?" I asked and layed next to him.

His hands wrapped around my waist. "No." He kissed me. "I love you."

I smiled, "then you won't ignore me for month like last time?"

"I wasn't ignoring you I was just working. This world still has monsters you know."

"I know. Otherwise your chest wouldn't always to well built is shows through every shirt you have. Your chest is a dead giveaway."

"I'm going to be working out in the gym even if all the monsters are gone. My chest says nothing."

"I don't care as long as they never leave. I can't imagine you without them. It'd seem a bit...weird."

"I don't care what you think of me as long as you love me."

"I'll always love you."

"That's reassuring, but what would you do if I fell in love with another girl?"

"Are you replacing me?"

"Never. But if I was what would you do? Also, are you jealous?"

"Of course I'm jealous, and honestly I think I'd beat you if you even thought of replacing me. I won't let it happen."

"What if I have fallen in love with another girl?"

"You are replacing me aren't you? Jerk."

He unbuttoned my shorts that I was wearing, it was obvious he was trying to be gentle, as if he was trying to hide that he was doing it. "You know Chisai is included in this girl conversation right? I love her. But as a child." He unzipped the shorts.

"If she's the girl you love, then I don't care. And I know you're trying to take off my pants." I intertwined fingers with him and helped him finish.

I wrapped my legs around his waist. "I still want another baby you know. And...Chisai is going to be gone for the day...So...Please?"

"No, Ara one's enough."

"I can find another man in this town to do it with me then."

"Alright, but don't you suppose that man will want to marry you afterward?"

"I don't mind marrying a man."

"Marry me then."

"Not happening."

"I know it's not. I'm going to properly propose if I ever do."

"If? Do you not love me enough to marry me?"

"No I do, but I'm debating on if I'm up to it. It does take alot. Anyway. Ring. Your worth alot Ara, you deserve a good ring."

"And so do you for being so handsome." I quickly kissed him and he smiled.

"So when do you intend on proposing?"

"When I'm ready. And I'm far from ready. Remind me why we're talking of this? Ara if you go get a man to fool around with, I'll rape your daughter and you."

"If you touch my baby in a harassing way I'll murder you."

He just smiled. "I know you will. But I'm serious I will rape you. Maybe not Chisai but I promise it'll be you."

"Then maybe I should go find a man. After all, if I do I'll get what I want. Twice."

"Once." He said. "I'm your man babe. Show me you have the guts to take on what I got."

"Then give me what you got." I said and we kissed.

"Your cute when your wanting something." Chung said, and he pierced me roughly a second time. I'm so excited...

The Prince and the Fox (Book 2) (Chung X AraHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin