Chapter 26

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A few things we need to wrap up in this time before I skip. Short chapter, but it has to happen. Also~ I picked one of the names a commenter chose. You'll know who you are when you see it, and thanks~♡. Saves me the trouble of having to think up a name o3o.

Mama burst into my room whilst Ameia and Kisei and I were all taking, meanwhile Oribu and Kuroko were playing some kind of old timer game.

"Rena! Baby! Now!" She said, and I jumped up.

"She's having her baby? Right now?"


I followed her as she ran out of the room, completely forgetting about Ameia and Kisei. In the background, I heard Ameia speak, "Ms. Rena was pregnant?"

We ran to Rena's room, where Raven was having a panic attack at the door and daddy was next to him trying to calm him. Mama opened the door, and I attempted to follow her, but daddy grabbed me by my shirt's collar.

I looked at him. "What?"

"You don't need to go in. You'll only provide distraction."

"I will not." I whined, but he gave me a look and pulled me over to him by my collar.

I was made to sit at his side, until mama came back out of the room with dry blood on her hands, along with fresh blood coated over it. Raven passed out after seeing her hands, and daddy just barely caught him before he hit the floor.

"I never thought he would ever faint because of blood." Daddy said, as he held him up.

"He knows it's his wife's." Mama said, and looked at me. "You can go in now. I'm going to go wash off my hands. Be quiet."

I nodded really quickly, and opened the door. I slowly stepped in then closed it behind me, and three heads turned this way. Aisha's, Rena's and Elesis's. Elesis and Aisha also had bloody hands just like Mama had, except Aisha's was way worse than Mama's had been.

"How are you feeling, Mrs. Rena?" I asked with a smile as I approached the bed.

"Better than I was." She replied through deep breaths.

"He wouldn't come out. We all had to get a hand in just to get him out, but now he's over there. Surprisingly, he didn't cry. I hope nothing's wrong with him." Aisha said, and motioned to a crib in the corner of the room.

"He's not crying?"

"No. Not a single peep from him."

"Does he have a name yet?"

"Yeah. Venus."

"I hope he isn't a big ball of gaseous destruction when he's older." I said, and the three girls laughed. Well, Rena tried to. She didn't sound too good.

Mama arrived shortly after these exchanged words, and told me that I needed to go and keep my friends company, who I had invited over in the first place.

I pouted, but did as she said. I left the room, though still wanting to see Venus, but I went to my room. I laid down on the bed, and Ameia and Kisei bombarded me with questions.

"His name is Venus." I said, as I ignored the rest of their questions. "A boy. I didn't see him, though, so that's all I really know."

"Well, some information is better than none." Oribu said, as he studied whatever was happening with their game. I don't even know the name of it. Oribu made his move, and said, "I win."

"What? No way!" Kuroko whined, and fell back onto the floor. "Ugh."

"As if you would ever be able to beat me at a mind game."

"What is that game even called?" I asked, and leaned over the bed a bit to see better.

"It doesn't have a name. It's a game made up by us foxes. You ladies can't see the entire game, but Chisai could if she focused hard enough. But that's not the matter at hand. We didn't hear any crying? Is the baby born, or did you just come in during the process?"

"He didn't cry at all. Strange, isn't it? Not a peep, according to Ms. Aisha. I hope he doesn't have something weird wrong with his vocal cords or something. That would be terrible for Mrs. Rena."


"At least he's born, and even if he didn't cry, he is definitely healthy if they let me go in."

"Good to hear." Kuroko said, though it didn't look like he'd actually been listening.

"Well, as long as he's okay." Kisei said, and smiled. "Maybe he's just going to be a quiet kid?"

"If he's alright who cares of he's quiet? Just means he's taking after his dad a bit."

"I think the big picture is that he's okay." I said, and reached over and pet Kuroko. He purred, and I smiled. "Three healthy kids born to the El gang, now. Next thing we know Elsword and Aisha are going to announce they'll be getting married."

"That's definitely going to be awhile." Oribu said, and I giggled.

"Probably. But at least they're together."

"Yeah. Hey, It's quite late now, so don't you think those two should be getting home?"

"Yeah, probably. Kuroko, you don't mind slipping them through the shadows, do you?"

"No." He sat up, and both girls leaned over the bed and grabbed either shoulder. Together, they fell through the ground, and a minute or two later, Kuroko slipped back out.

"Thank you." I said, and got off the bed. I gave him a kiss on the cheek, then crawled back onto the bed. I curled up on the bed, and a few seconds later I was snuggled up in Kuroko's tails, laying on his big furry body. I kissed his head, and wrapped my arms around his foxy neck.


"Goodnight, Kuroko."

Short and bad, I know, but I'm tired and ready for the timeskip. (Bruh I'm going to put my phone on the charger after publishing thus, then I'm going to pass out. I'm that tired.

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