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The next morning, Kuroko told me that Ameia and Kisei had left early via shadow travel, and that he and Oribu had packed a lot of stuff in all the random bags I had laying around my room, most of which were in my closet.

Mama and I went and looked at the house, and Oribu and Kuroko viewed it from my perspective, as they didn't care enough to walk around the house themselves. Later that day, mama bought the house while daddy wasn't looking, and Kuroko wore himself to sleep by shadow traveling all the stuff in my room to the new house. Every part of it but my room was pretty much empty, but mama said that we could go shopping for furniture with more of their money that daddy wasn't appear that we were spending. He'll probably think it all went to expensive clothes until he tries to watch me through his computer again and realizes all my stuff is gone.

Whenever we did get furniture for it, Kuroko and Oribu moved it around every time me and Mama wanted it in a different spot. What sweet gentlemen they were being, but they kept getting mad at each other in the process, because one would lift it higher or too fast compared to the other, and it would drop on feet because of it, and other times then snapped at each other because they didn't like each other in general. Thank god this is a three bedroom house...

Once is was all furnished, I thanked the guys and Mama by trying (and kind of failing) to cook a massive dinner for us all. Oribu told me it tasted good, but the looks on Kuroko and Mama's faces as they took their first bites of everything told me otherwise. They forced themselves through it though, and that makes me grateful. Looks like I'm going to have to learn how to cook better in the future...

Eventually, daddy found out, and tracked us down and burst into the house. Mama ran away whenever he saw her, and I don't think he's found her yet. At least, if he has, I doubt she's going to be able to tell me for awhile. So at this point, it's a matter of settling in.

Oribu has started to get used to sleeping on his own, now, but every morning I find Kuroko in my bed with me, instead of the one we bought him. Whenever I kicked him out, he just waited until I came out, then followed me around. It's cute, but kind of annoying in its own way.

All in all, I love the new house, and I think Oribu and Kuroko do too. And I hope that in the future, this will seem more like a home to them than that old room was. And that Kuroko will sleep in his own bed, but I suppose mine is fine for awhile. And so...

~The end~

There may be a book three. Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't know if I should. If it does happen, chances are, it won't be this year. But, for those of you that actually stuck around since the first chapter in 2015, I thank you, and applaud your dedication XD. Thank you, and I hope you enjoyed :).

The Prince and the Fox (Book 2) (Chung X AraWhere stories live. Discover now