Day One - Idiot

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I'm moving these here for organization purposes.

He winced as the angry redhead hit him upside the head. "Idiot!" She rolls her eyes, though they both know she didn't mean it. After all, one can only do the same thing so many times before it just becomes commonplace. Of course, there were always exceptions.

"Is that so, Iry? Jeez, I didn't even do anything this time." He smirks deviously. He had been taunting her the entire last hour of classes, but due to Iry's teacher, she was unable to answer any of his messages. Only see them.

And after a few minutes of no replies, he had moved to spamming her phone, causing it to go off at least fifteen times in that minute alone. Needless to say, Irene no longer had her phone and was now pissed.

"I'm going to murder you I swear, Oliver!" The redhead yelled again, punching the taller blonde's shoulder. "You know how Peterson is!"

"Iry, you're looking too far into this. You just gotta lie to your parents again and it'll be fiiiine~," Oliver replied casually with a shrug. "They'll buy it like they always do."

"Me lying would mean I would take the blame when it's all your fault." Irene huffs, sitting down next to Oliver, resting her head in her hands. "And you already know how my parents react when you're involved."

The two shudder slightly, both remembering the last time Irene's parents had tried to set them up. Should they even be doing that? They are still children after all. Irene couldn't even ask to go to the movies together without them implying it was a date of some sort. The two were best friends and both were fine with that.

"I mean, do you want them to think we're together?!" Oliver asked, raising his voice slightly earning him a disapproving look from the librarian, which he ignores.

Irene sighs. "Fine. I'll tell them it was some online friend or something. They know Gal can't shut up so that should lower the sentence." She finally says. "But if it doesn't I swear I will kill you this time!"

"Yeah, yeah. I get it," Oliver hums, standing up. "Nothing else to do about it now except getting it over with, so you may as well do it."

Irene follows suit. "I know, I know. They aren't going to get home for a little while anyway so what's the rush?"

Oliver chuckles at this before pulling Irene by the wrist towards the door. "Because if you don't go now you won't go at all."

Irene groans. "But Daaad!" She protests, trying to stop Oliver's pace but failing miserably. Oliver chuckles soon turn into full-on laughter and Irene can't help but join in.

"'Sides, I need to get some work done this week." Oliver finally says. The two are now outside the library doors standing face to face with each other.

"You mean this month." Irene corrects quickly.

"Yeah, sure. That." Oliver smiles. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Irene only hums softly in response. Oliver gasps dramatically before pretending to pout as he walks down the steps and down the sidewalk towards his house. Irene quickly does the same, except she heads in the opposite direction, hoping her parents wouldn't joke too much.

So, school's back, for now, and I've decided that while I inconsistently work on my upcoming thing, I'll do a month of writing prompts. If you have any pairings you'd like to see or something, don't be hesitant to bring them up!

September 2020 Writing PromptsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang