Day 15 - SARS

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I'm going to try to make this not sad. Wish me luck!

2020 was great. Forests were on fire, murder hornets had arrived, and now this. Clearly the worst development by far.

We had gotten mostly used to Corona and the numbers were going down. Then, Nature decided we needed more. So it revamped an older virus and made it much more dangerous and much much more deadly. 

It, like Corona, had also started in China. At least, it did when it was first around. We called it Severe Acute Respratory Syndrome, or SARS for short. We still don't have a cure for it. Though I suppose it wasn't on our To Do list considering it was just the Flu renamed.

Now, it closes your airways within a week. It swells your throat until you cannot breathe. It gives you a fever that leaves you bedridden, only being able to lie there, stuck in a coma of sorts as you wait for it to kill you.

Society has collapsed now. Buildings are on fire and most people are dead. I guess I should be lucky. Some of us were either immune or had been transmitting it to everyone around us unknowingly.

Nothing will be how it was. Not for a long while. But at least I have Valory to talk to, even if she cannot speak anymore. I'll have to find a new friend soon...

I could so make this longer but I'm already behind so I won't. If anyone wants me to make this like a short story series or an actual novel, please tell me. 

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