Day 8 - Piqued

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Sequal (Kinda) to Day 2 - Redacted

Nickel had said not to bother with her lack of memories and she knew he was right. However, their constant itch wouldn't go away so she often found herself laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to get back to that white space of emptiness she had met Nickel in. It never worked and she instead just lost precious hours of sleep she desperately needed.

Not that she was upset with Nickel's training methods, far from it in fact. No, they just wore her out, mentally, physically, and sometimes emotionally. She didn't like those days, where she would fight against those nameless people who somehow made her feel...better. She really couldn't explain it, but somewhere deep inside of her, she didn't want to hurt them.

When she had brought this up with Nickel, he was furious. "Are you kidding me, G?! They're going to kill us and you feel sympathy for them?!"

She couldn't sleep for a week after that and she thought he knew it because training would end earlier, just as she thought she would surely pass out or worse from the intensity of it all.

If she had been more careful, maybe she would have seen the reason. How Nickel would shift and some of his form would disappear. How he smirked that same malicious smile he had had on his face when they had first met whenever she yawned, clearly exhausted. But Gal had been too emotional, too vulnerable to have seen the signs.

Some days, it was a wonder she didn't pass out. It almost felt like her mind was refusing to let her rest, even though her body screamed its protests. Gal was helpless to the magick's grasp on her and soon, she wouldn't even be Gal. Just a shell of raw dark magick that had taken Gal's body as a host.

Maybe that's why it was becoming easier to just stop. To just lie there and watch as her body moved without her. Watch without caring anymore, too weak and tired to try to take it back. To remember everything that had happened before and still just lie in the empty white void, only wanting sleep. 

She didn't want to think anymore. She'd done too much of that. She didn't want to feel anymore. Her emotions were confusing anyway. It was better to disappear into herself than try to confront all of the problems that surrounded her. Nickel had said he would keep them away and he had kept his word. They sat just out of reach, just far enough that she didn't have to remember them but close enough she could just feel the emotions radiating off of them.

So that's where Gal stayed, a prisoner in her own mind, helpless to anything that happened around her. She didn't care, though. It was such a relieving feeling, being unsympathetic and unfeeling of everything around her.

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