Day 16 - Ninth Day

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It's the Ninth Day. The Ninth Day of slaughter. Of cleansing. Of rebirth. Whatever day it really was didn't matter. All that mattered is the targets of the day. Nothing else mattered. How could it when she couldn't focus on anything else after the blonde had whispered his order to her? It was such an alluring sound and it made her mind fog up whenever she tried to think of anything else.

Who she was and why she was here weren't important. How she learned to kill so effectively wasn't important. As she trudged up the mountain after the vacationing senator, she could only focus on her path to him. Her path to end his life.

Stepping lightly on the fresh powder, she slid her sword out of its eternal resting place, a zing sound filling the air for a brief moment from its speed. She crept forward, hiding under the cover of the tall pines, not daring to make a sound. That would alert the politician's security and that was the last thing she needed.

A few moments more and she was just outside the clearing, still hidden from view beneath the tall pines. The politician's hideaway house wasn't anything to marvel at, just a simple ten-room house. Maybe it was something to marvel, but the woman didn't care either way. It wasn't important what she thought of the structure, just that she needed to get in.

So, a quick chokehold later and she was just outside the house. A moment or two more and she had scaled up to the second story. Three seconds and she was inside the house. It didn't take long to put the guards inside asleep as well.

With her speed, it wasn't a surprise that it took only a few more moments before her sword was pointed directly at his throat. He was bigger than expected and she had expected pretty big. His bloated form trembled as he sobbed pleas for his life.

"Pl-Please," He sniffled out. "Y-You want money? H-Have it! J-Ju-ust spare me!"

The dark-haired woman stopped for a moment, letting her sword fall from his neck. "Really?" She asked with wide eyes. If she hadn't been threatening his life, he probably would have tried to pay her for services. She definitely could play the part.

"Y-y-yes!" He begged, his eyes hopeful, thinking he had convinced her to leave. "H-How m-m-much??"

The woman hummed in thought. "No thanks." She smirked before swiftly stabbing him through the throat, letting his blood splatter on her dark clothes. Without another glance, she turned and left the house the way she had come in.

He would be pleased.

September 2020 Writing PromptsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora