Day 5 - ABCs

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"Bro, come on! This is literally easier than learning the ABCs," The dark-haired male complained from his spot on the floating wooden beam about twenty meters above the ground. He sat swinging his legs against the beam as he watched as his friend fell to the ground yet again.

"Shut. Up. Alex!" The annoyed female yelled up to him, her jade green eyes glowing with the fire of anger dwelling inside of her as she fell once more. She got back up again and resumed her climb, jumping from floating beam to floating beam in her pursuit of her stupid older brother.

Alexander laughed loudly as his sister fell yet again. She had been making some progress as this time she was nearly three-fourths of the way up to him instead of the measly halfway. "You're sure you don't want me to flick the lever?" He asked tauntingly, earning a harsh glare in return.

"Do it and I'll murder you." The black-haired female replied coldly as she quickly made her way up to her brother, before punching him off of his small platform.

While Alexander yelled insults at the unfairness of the situation, the young female just laughed loudly, nearly falling off of the platform as well.

It took a moment for them to calm down and the young woman pushed a button before continuing the climb. She was determined to beat Alexander, even if she had to play dirty.

Alexander, having not pushed the button that would return him to the platform upon him falling down, yelled again in rage before beginning his climb yet again. He wasn't going to give up Carlos's famous cookies without a fight.

Up and up they climbed, each jump more precarious than the last. Elliot and Stephen hadn't gone easy on them this time and the two were beginning to struggle.

They must have been only thirty meters or so, maybe fifteen more jumps left, from the black and white checked line that marked the finish line. By now, the ground was far from view and if they hadn't been doing things like this for years, they would have been frozen from the fear of falling.

But they wouldn't fall, Elliot had made sure of that. Stephen would often design these precarious courses and forget the dangers of the natural world, which is why Elliot always had to triple check the safety of these dangerous parkour courses before either could even begin to think to use them.

Alexander had gotten his lead back and made sure to punch his sister as she jumped, making her lose her trajectory and restart the section. Five jumps now as he ran from the stone brick he stood on, jumping to the fence that was placed slightly below him.

Four jumps and he was back on stone brick. He heard his sister's familiar groans of frustration behind him, but he didn't have time to look at the distance separating them. Three jumps left as he took the swan dive twenty meters down into the small pool that saved his bones from damage.

One left as Alexander quickly double jumped two closely placed beams. His sister's angry voice behind him seemed to boost him forwards as his pace quickened and he took the final jump onto the checkered line before him.

Instantly, the teleportation charm did it's work and he was back in the backyard, looking up at the tall spire of mismatched items floating above him. It didn't take long for his sister to arrive next to him, pouting and complaining about Alexander's win.

"Good job boys!" The eldest of the five, Carlos, hummed happily from his spot next to a large table with a baby blue tablecloth drawn over it.

Upon the table lay three platters of cookies, chocolate chip, snickerdoodle, and monster cookies. There was a strawberry cake and a vanilla cake, layered in the purple and red frosting that must have contained only sugar.

Elliot and Stephen were not present, presumably busy with other tasks, but the two competitors took no mind as they raced to the table, grabbed a plate each, and layered them with as many of the sugary treats as they could.

I know I should've written about like, a child being taught the ABCs, but this was kooler.

See ya'll tomorrow!

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