Day 2 - Redacted

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"That memory is redacted," The robotic voice says again, causing Gal to scream in annoyance and frustration.

"You can't just keep all of my memories from me!" The short alien yelled. She wanted to punch something. She would almost kill to know more about herself than just her name. She didn't know if she should be scared of that fact.

"You know, anger won't solve your issue." A deep masculine voice said from somewhere behind her. Gal turned around quickly to face the man who she couldn't help but feel she was somehow familiar with.

He wore a torn silver cloak around his shoulders that covered the black outfit underneath it. His hair was a dark brown and his eyes were a striking green. He was taller than her, but she had a feeling most people were.

"Wh-Who are you?" Gal asks, stepping back from the man instinctively. A twisted smirk appears on the man's face that makes Gal shiver. This wasn't right.

"Oh, come now, Galaxia. You really forgot your best friend?" The man spoke again, his tone soft but ill-disposed.

She stumbled backward with the onslaught of memories that flooded her brain. "N-Nickel?" Gal gasps, looking up at the man. She runs up and hugs him. "Wh-what happened?"

Nickel returns the embrace, that unnerving smirk still on his face. "You did." He whispered coldly and suddenly the white space surrounding them changed, displaying what clearly was a battlefield.

What must have been thousands of people lay dead on the ground with more falling every second. The cause of death? A familiar-looking blue, purple, and magenta-colored hair that mixed together in a long braid that cascaded down the girl's back.

Gal gasped in horror as she watched herself summon another glowing purple longsword to replace the one that had been knocked away from her as she continued her attack on the small group before her. Someone controlling water, an older woman with tentacles sprouting from her back, an angel, and a brunette that was doing all sorts of different things. Nothing seemed to faze the fighting Gal and Gal watched horrified as one by one an attack landed and the fighters fell, unable to get back up again.

The image disappears and gets replaced by the endless white that had preceded it. Gal is left in a shocked stupor, unable to understand what had happened. Why had she done that? Would she do that? Who were those people and why did she feel like she should know them?

"Shocking, isn't it?" Nickel said from beside her, startling Gal out of her thoughts. "How a child can do so much damage with ease."

"Wh-what happened?" Gal whispered breathlessly, somewhat scared of the answer.

"Simple, G. They want to take what's special about you away." Nickel said softly, his eyes showing genuine concern. "You'll do what you have to."

Gal looks up at him, her confusion evident. "Will?"

"They're going to find you again," Nickel explains. "They're going to try to take your magick."

Gal gasps. "How can they even do that?!"

"One of those imbeciles, Rose, I think her name is, gave someone magick. Or access to it. They're planning to reverse that process on you." Nickel says, spitting the name Rose. She must have made him mad, Gal rationalized.

"B-but I'll d-"

"Yes, I'm aware. The process will sever your link to magick and most likely kill you." Nickel cuts her off. "We have time before they'll find you, however. I think it's time you wake up."

"Wake up? I've been awake for..." Gal stops. She doesn't know how long she's been awake.

"If you want to stand a chance against them when they come for you, you'll wake up." Nickel says coldly. "I can't train you in here."

Gal blinks and is about to answer before realizing she's not in the white space anymore. She's surrounded by ice, but she is not cold. She sits up, rubbing her eyes as she looks around. Ice and snow are everywhere.

Nickel clears his throat, getting Gal's attention and causing her to sit up. "Now, G. Let's begin."

Okay, so, this is kinda based off of a thing with my irl friend. It could be way edgier but honestly that would require time skips and planning and stuff.

Let me know if there's anything you want a part two for and maybe I'll be able to work something out! See ya!

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