Day 28 - Sure

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> Are you sure?

The text was enough to make her hesitate. Did she want to do this? Really want to do this? Did she really want to go after him, despite his last words screaming for her to forget him? Her determination to find her lover wavered for the first time since he had been taken into the code.

The green text was the only thing illuminating her pigsty of a room. Coffee cups littered the desk next to her and papers were thrown all over the floor. There were dark bags under her eyes, showing just how much time she had been spending on this code.

It wasn't her fault, though! She had been fired for trying to go after him when no one else cared! She had replicated the code string by string so she could go in after him. True, it had been almost a year now, but no one else was going to do it.

Taking a deep breath, she typed the three-letter word, sealing her fate.

> Yes

She watched as her body started to pixelize and flow into the monitor, which now showed a loading screen.











She opened her eyes wearily. The process must have knocked her out to conserve data, she reasoned as she began to look around. She was laying in a field of grass. There were occasional dark red, blue, and pink flowers that interrupted the green landscape, but for the most part it was empty. 

The code was supposed to be advanced VR, letting the user fully immerse in the game. There had been a critical flaw though, which was mainly the reason the project had been abandoned. The coders couldn't figure out how to return the people they sent in. They had to manually go into the game and retrieve them if they hadn't died already.

You see, the code just absorbed the player, instead of leaving their body in the real world. Once in the game, the player had basically no way to communicate with the outside world. They only had the in-game chat to use, which had the tendency to cut out and not deliver messages. 

Now, as the pinkette stood, she accessed said chat. She paused for a moment before writing a simple message, which she hoped her lover would see.

/msg Gam3rGuy0928 Stay strong, I'm almost there.

September 2020 Writing PromptsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora