Day 9 - Grief

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He hadn't made it in time. Or, maybe he did. He arrived just as Rose's shimmering sword got plunged into Gal's chest, before being quickly pulled out of her. Gal let out an earsplitting scream, tears beginning their endless decent down her face. Her opponent smirked, her eyes betraying her glee. And I suppose she had reason to. After all, the princess who was fated to kill her laid dying at her feet. Rose smiled wickedly at the boy who had rushed to Gal's side before turning and walking away, Crystal following in her wake. 

The boy didn't have time to feel betrayed at Crystal's actions, too heartbroken as he watched Gal's life flee from her body like the blood that was erupting from her chest. She looked so broken like that, crumpled in a heap on the ground as the battle waged on around them.

"Gal, c-come on. You're going to be alright," Nickel repeated, his eyes full of worry as tears begin to fill his vision, blurring his bleeding friend from view.

Gal smiled weakly up at him, slowly shifting so she could pull a small box from the pocket of her black cloak. It was simple in design, dark wood engraved with runistic designs that Nickel hadn't seen before. They would have fascinated him, had he been able to see them in different circumstances.

"B-bud," Gal says softly, coughing violently as she wrapped Nickel's hand around the box. "Wh-when my form disperces, gather my magic in this. I-I...It'll bring me back. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I failed you." Her voice is faint and growing softer by the minute.

"Don't be sorry, Gal!" Nickel protests, tears falling down his face now. "You're going to be fine. I won't even need this box." He pretends to not notice the break in his voice or the wavering tone it had taken.

Gal smiled weakly before closing her eyes as her body stiffened. Nickel choked back a sob as her body started turning into a light purple mist similar to that of a lilac. It only increased the flow of tears from Nickel's face.

He had momentarilly forgotten Gal's request, but quickly remembered it as he noticed the mist beginning to fade. He panicked, and opened the box under the mist. Some of it hovered over his hand and for a moment, it almost felt like Gal was reassuring him, telling him that it was alright. This only made him cry harder, the noise of the battle falling onto deaf ears. The mist swirled into the box, becoming slightly darker as it collected in the small box. Nickel almost let some of it leave, but quickly realized what was happening and slammed the lid shut.

The runes glowed the same lilac purple as the mist had been for a few seconds before returning to normal. Nickel tucked the box into his cloak as his eyes began to glow a fiery blue. He knew he wasn't supposed to give into his emotions, Gal had been clear about that, but the overwhelming grief and heartbreak overwhelmed him. He let the magic get the better of him, knowing he'd live to regret it, but now, in a desperate attempt to escape his feelings, he let it loose, burning away everyone in his path.

I didn't almost forget about this. 

Shut up.

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