Day 19 - Murder

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The familiar stench of blood was beginning to fill the room, leaving any hope of returning it to its former state wishful thinking. Blood caked the walls, almost covering up the ugly tan paint that had been there before. The brown carpet had begun to stain red with his footprints, though he didn't care. He hadn't been caught yet, so he doubted he would.

He followed his checklist silently. Carve into the dead flesh, a different symbol for each victim. A music note, a crude video game controller, and a smiley face. The three crumpled bodies accepted the markings willingly which only made his smile widen.

Then was the art on the walls. Dabbing some blood on a gloved finger, he painted the same three carvings over and over until you could barely see the difference between them.

The escape was always the fun bit because the cops were often on his tail. The chase excited him and was one of the main reasons he did this. That and the sadistic high he felt plunging his knife into someone's flesh. Didn't matter their wealth or their innocence, the high always elevated him.

Oh? Here they came, sirens ablaze, lighting up the dark house. He stalked out of the back door, waiting for them to enter the room full of his art. His masterpiece. And enter they did, guns in hand, quickly surveying the scene with horror quickly appearing on their faces.

The man snuck a smile as he watched them before knocking softly on the window he was peering in through. A familiar brunette's head shot up, starring at the window before he took off towards the back door, determined to catch his rival. 

The masked blonde smiled, quickly setting off as well. Through the rooftops of their town their chase insued, each caught in their game of cat and mouse. Sometimes, the masked man would end up chasing the brunette, who's face would contort in anger as the knife wielding maniac lunged at him.

It was all a game to the masked man, and he couldn't say he didn't enjoy it. It was exhilarating, having the brunette just a few steps behind him only for him to flip directions and leap onto a previously unnoticed building.

Maybe the brunette felt the same, loving every chase as much as the pscycopath did. Maybe he'd make small mistakes and let him get away, so their game could resume another day. No one can really say.

Dream and George anyone?


Mk. Welp. At least I enjoyed this. XD

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