Day 22 - Canvas

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"It's mocking me, I swear!" She shrieked in anger in frustration, continuing her stare at the half finished canvas. She was almost ready to paint, but the stupid thing was missing something and she couldn't tell you for the life of it what it was. It was driving her absolutely mad.

Her friend chuckled at her from his pottery wheel. "Well, then do something about it." She shot him a glare which quickly returned his gaze back to his pottery. "Staring at it won't help, after all."

But she continued staring at the black lines that framed out a small figure, escaping some sort of prison. He was up the road from the complex, past the guard posts that would prevent people from coming in and leaving without permission. Maybe it was the emptiness around it that was bothering her. She really didn't know.

With a frustrated sigh, she got up and collected her paints. She'd paint the damn thing and see if that'd help anything. After all, her client was waiting and she didn't want to seem rude or anything.

Paint flew from her brush expertly as she nimbly swiped the paint into place. Staring at the now mostly colored canvas, she shouted in joy. She hadn't done any details for the sky or the grass around it. That'd give it the context it needed and would fill the space that seemed so haunting only a few hours before.

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