Day 13 - Griffen

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Gal looked around at her friends from her spot in front. Some she had only just met and some she had known for years. They sent back reassuring smiles before looking forward, drawing their different weapons of choice or calling on their magick. They were ready. After so long, they were finally ready to defeat Rose. Once and for all.

This would be different than the first time. Gal wasn't going to kill Rose. They had found another way. One that would keep her contained, where she could no longer hurt anyone. She had her friends behind her, each willing to do whatever they could to help Gal. It filled her with a warmth she wasn't quite sure she had ever felt before. She loved the feeling, though.

Rose was unmounted but dark black tentacles emerged from her back, writhing like a nest of snakes, eager for blood. Her army was identical in almost every single aspect. Same clothes, same expression, same weapons hilted at the same spot on their hip. The only thing that set them apart was the first line of soldiers were readying magick, ready to cast it forward in an instant.

Gal and Rose stared at each other for what seemed like centuries. Then, without any warning, the two raced at each other as Rose's tentacle's eagerly reached for Gal. Her own hands were changing as she called on her griffen spirit to help her in this battle, becoming cream-colored fur-covered paws with sharp claws as large, dark brown wings sprouted from her back.

Gal lunged at Rose, who blocked her with some of her tentacles. Gal easily slashed through the black tarlike substance the tentacles were made of before slashing at Rose again. Rose looped a tentacle around Gal's leg, throwing the younger off balance. She hurriedly cut it only for it to be replaced with two more. Rose pulled Gal into the air by her foot, dangling her upside down. She quickly restrains her hands so she cannot break free.

"That was awfully sad, even for you, Princess," Rose smirks tauntingly. Gal continues to struggle, refusing to respond to Rose's taunts. She wasn't done fighting, not by a long shot. She only needed Rose to think she was.

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