Day 24 - The Power

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It should've been expected. One of them was bound to do it eventually, and she had already decided she wouldn't. She guessed it surprised her, her only friend would do something like this.

The goddess of life and death pitted against the goddess of order and chaos. Both almost equally matched. Jae more defensive than Kae's endless onslaught of creatures of all sorts of varieties. 

Jae could alter the landscape, however, and those animals couldn't run forever. Especially if the land killed any plant nearby and water seemed to run from the army. She could also create monstrous sandstorms and avalanches, burying anything and anyone behind her.

Kae could continue to create, the monstrous rage at what had been her former friend filling her with power and endless creativity. The things she created started off normal but soon she was making amalgamated mashups of the creatures she had cared about so lovingly before. A horse with a cheetah's body and a lion's head. Common mystical creatures were created instantly under her hand, each being filled with Kae's rage as each runs off, fulfilling it's goal to kill Jae.

Maybe this had been one of her lesser thought out ideas, Jae thought, as mountains rose up from the ground as she glided away on a cloud. Maybe she shouldn't have written Kae an urge to kill her, but Kae had argued it would be fun. Though maybe she just wanted to be the hunter for once.

Jae couldn't exactly be mad at that, because it was usually her hunting down Kae with the unfair advantage of knowing exactly where she was at any given moment. There was no way to win, just a fun game to see how long they could survive the other's onslaught.

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