Day 21 - Strategic

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This was definitely the worst plan she had ever come up with. Usually, they were strategic, planned out and so complex you wouldn't know the plan was even in motion if you didn't know about it.

That wasn't this. Every flaw with this plan skyrocketed around her brain so fast she could barely process them all, yet she knew each flaw by heart. I suppose it helped that she didn't have an active role in this plan, but that didn't mean that the thought of failure didn't shake her to her core.

She hadn't been good at handling negative emotions, never had been. So as they washed over her and numbed her from the scene, she didn't immediately notice the hand on her shoulder that seemed to ground her.

She looked up at her old friend's familiar face. "You're fine. We're all right here with you." She smiled brightly and the shorter pinkette couldn't help but sigh as she felt her shoulders relax from the tension they had been carrying mere moments ago.

"We've...we've spent so long on this one. I-I don't want this to go wrong, for their sakes.." The pinkette whispered, not daring to raise her voice more, in fear someone else would hear her.

The taller of the two just nodded in agreement. "That's why you planned it, buddy. It can't go wrong!"

The shorter wished her friend's optimism could infect her, and make her able to think rationally again. But unlike the many times before, her wish wasn't granted and she was stuck in her borderline panic like a fly in a web.

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