Day 30 - Pertinent

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"None of this is pertinent to this case!" He slammed his hand on the table, interrupting her seemingly endless babble. Papers got thrown everywhere but neither seemed to mind.

"Then maybe you should actually catch him, instead of chasing him on the rooftops." She muttered as she rolled her eyes.

"What?" He turns towards his partner, brown eyes ablaze with anger.

"Oh, come on! Everyone knows you let him go so you can chase him again." She retorts coldly.

The man was about to say something but decided against it and left the room angrily, muttering to himself. Soon, he finds himself outside, on the roof of the precinct. He stops his muttering and turns to watch the sunset over the city's skyline.

NGL, I'm done with this series and probably won't do another. So I'm going to leave this here and end this book. It's been cool writing for no one, but it's over, get over it. Goodbye

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