Day 10 - Bills To Pay

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"We have bills to pay, Richard! You can't just keep spending all of our money on Youtube merch!" Rachel yelled, having just ripped open the bill. Richard was sure he was going to get slapped again, but honestly, the new hoodie he would be wearing in a few days was worth it. Who cared about living in a house when you could live on the streets and have all of your idol's merchandise?

"Bills shmills," Richard hummed. "We won't have to worry about anything once my career starts."

"You mean staring at a computer screen for hours on end editing so one person will watch you?" Rachel jeered, too angry at her roommate to care about his feelings. It wasn't her fault he spent all of his time and energy pursuing a career that wouldn't work out. And in the heat of the moment, she didn't care about Richard's feelings.

"Wow." Richard laughed awkwardly, trying to mask the hurt expression on his face. "You really think that? I...guess I'll leave then." He stood abruptly and turned, bolting out the door.

Almost instantly, Rachel regretted it. She knew everything the older male had been through, and yet, she still had said that. Who cares if it wasn't working out? She had promised to be supportive and considerate, and she had done neither.

Quality has gone down. Suffer.

September 2020 Writing PromptsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt