Wolf King End

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Wolf King : Chapter 7 End

Sehun took his warriors inside the wolf tribe and brought them to the assembly tent to introduce them to Jinyoung and his brothers. Nayeon was also there.
"I am glad you could all come here. The wolf tribe is honored to have your help in this battle." Jinyoung said.
"We are also honored." Said the tall good looking man beside Sehun. "Our commander has made it clear that your tribe is important to him and so it is now important to us too. Besides, I still remember how you helped our clan when the Panthers attacked us decades ago. The three of you risked your life with Commander Sehun to protect our tribe. This is the least we can do to pay it back."
"This is Chanyeol, my right hand." Said Sehun.
"Ah, it's good to finally meet you Chanyeol. Sehun has told us many things about you." said Jinyoung.
"I wonder... what things..." Chanyeol looked at Sehun questioningly.
Sehun just shrugged smiling.
Chanyeol turned back to Jinyoung and then he stopped. Beside Jinyoung is a woman who looked very familiar.
Chanyeo's eyes widened as he blinked a few times. And then he turned to Sehun who nodded at him in confirmation.
Chanyeol gulped as he spoke again.
"May I know...what your name is young lady?" asked Chanyeol.
Nayeon took a deep breath.
"I am Nayeon. That is the name given by Jinyoung to me. But from what I heard from Sehun... I was called by a different name when I was younger." Said Nayeon.
Chanyeol brushed his fingers over his eyes as he seemed to be wiping his tears.
"You... sound exactly like her... looks exactly like her." said Chanyeol, his voice was broken.
Nayeon stood up from her seat.
"Are you... my brother?" asked Nayeon.
Chanyeol nodded as he dropped his hands on his sides.
"I am your older brother Nayeon. And I am so sorry... I... I wasn't able to protect you. I wasn't able to defend our father... I was so weak..."
Nayeon went beside Chanyeol and touched his arm.
"If Commander Sehun and his brothers did not come..." said Chanyeol
"Chanyeol was stabbed. He couldn't move and got very weak because of blood loss. We thought he would die too that night but he survived." Said Sehun.
"It is not your fault, Brother." Said Nayeon. "I... don't think I will end up here in this tribe... if not for everything that happened. I am so glad that I still have family. Please stop blaming yourself."
Chanyeol pulled Nayeon in his arms and hugged her tight.
"Edel... I have missed you. Father.... He would be very happy that you survived." Said Chanyeol, in tears. "and mother... she will be glad too. She died when you were still a baby. But I clearly remember how she looked and her voice.... You are exactly like her, do you know that?"
Nayeon felt her own tears falling.
"Sehun told me I resemble mother." Said Nayeon.
"You do." Said Chanyeol. "Absolutely."
Chanyeol laughed a bit while crying.
"I am so glad... so glad you are well." Said Chanyeol. "Once this battle is over, come with us. Come home with us. Everyone will be happy to see you in the Lion Territory."
"Her home is here." Said Jinyoung.
Chanyeol slowly released Nayeon.
"She will stay here. She is my mate." Said Jinyoung.
Chanyeol's eyes widened.
"You are.... his mate?" he asked Nayeon.
Nayeon nodded.
"I am sorry Chanyeol but... we can't take Nayeon back. We can ask Jinyoung to allow her to visit us. But she belongs to his tribe now." Said Sehun. "He has already claimed her. And she has agreed to be his mate."
Nayeon nodded.
"I love my mate, Brother." Said Nayeon. "I love Jinyoung."
Chanyeol took a deep breath.
"I... don't know how to take this in right now. I jus found out my sister is alive... but she's mated.... To a wolf!" said Chanyeol. "I mean no offense... but wolves are known to be the most possessive and the most attached and vicious mates out of all of Vishox."


Jinyoung entered the Healer's tent. He found Jisoo on one side of it, smelling a dried leaf as she took down a note.
"Can I speak to you, Jisoo?" asked Jinyoung
Jisoo put the leaf down.
"Of course, Cousin. What is it?" asked Jisoo.
"Jackson told us about your request to stay here once the Cheetas attack." Said Jinyoung.
"Ummm..." Jisoo took a deep breath. "Yes... umm... will you allow it?"
Jinyoung sighed.
"No. You know I won't allow it." Said Jinyoung.
"But Cousin..."
"I know your good intentions and I know we can actually save a life with your suggestion. But understand that I cannot put the life of such a gifted healer like you at risk." Said Jinyoung.
"I am a useless healer if I don't save lives." Said Jisoo.
"You forget that you are also my cousin, the only family I have left." Said Jinyoung.
Jisoo stopped talking. She could see a depth of emotion in Jinyoung's eyes. He is indeed worried about her safety.
"Besides..." said Jinyoung. "Because of your situation, you are serving two leaders. So the decision can't be mine alone."
Jisoo's brows narrowed.
"I have made a commitment to my Brother V that I will send capable healers to teach his clan's healers. You and Irene are the ones I chose. The work to teach is not over yet. Until that is completed, I cannot let you die." Said Jinyoung.
"Did he... did King V learn about my request?"
"Yes." Said Jinyoung. "And he wasn't happy about it."
"Oh..." Jisoo bit her lip. "Was he... angry?"
"I think so. I know my brother, he may look calm outside, but his eyes tells me he was disturbed by it." Said Jinyoung. "You are a capable healer Jisoo, possibly his most capable healer right now. He is concerned about you."
Jisoo shook her head. King V may be concerned over making sure his clan's healers learn from her. But he is not concerned over her... or maybe he is... because she's someone who works for him... he always takes care of the people under him. That is probably the reason he was concerned.
"You are not convinced?" asked Jinyoung
"You are not convinced that he is concerned about you?" asked Jinyoung.
Jisoo smiled tightly.
"He is concerned over my sister Irene. I am the younger sister of his mistress. Anything that happens to me will affect his mistress. Moreover, I am a healer who serves him. I am pretty sure he is concerned that I can continue to do my job." Said Jisoo
"You make it sound like you are not in friendly terms with him." Said Jinyoung.
"Huh? He's a king. Should I be friendly with him?" asked Jisoo
"You are very friendly with Taeyong. And you were also quite warm with Sehun. The men of this tribe adores you. And I consider you the closest woman to me next to Nayeon." Said Jinyoung. "But when V is concerned..."
"We do not talk that much." Said Jisoo. "He doesn't talk to me. I mean... it's usually Sir Taeyong who does. King V and I seldom talk. When he goes to the healers, he usually just looks for my sister. I guess... that's why... that's why I see him as a king I serve. And he sees me just as a healer who works for him."
Jinyoung took a moment to speak.
"Well then... just so you know, he wasn't happy with you risking your life. And don't even try his patience. If he knew you defied him, I can tell you right now that his punishment will not be less than mine." Said Jinyoung.
Jisoo breathed.
It was the next day and it was still early morning when a group of wolf warriors of around thirty arrived back at the tribe. Jackson was immediately notified and he immediately went to Jinyoung and the group leader of the thirty wolf warriors.
"Why did you come back? You are supposed to guard the southern forest against any Cheeta attacks." Said Jackson.
"We were informed by the kitchen boy that you called us back. He said you wanted a change of plan with some new information you got." Said the team leader.
Jinyoung eyes Jackson.
"I didn't. There is no such instruction from me." Said Jackson, alarmed.
"Blow the horn. Wake everyone up. It seems like there is a traitor among us. And whoever he is, he made sure the Cheetas will have an opening to attack us. Evacuate the women and children. Get the new weapons. Arm all men." Said Jinyoung. "Go!"
Jackson and the team leader ran out and alarmed everyone. The warriors were quick to wear their armors and the weapons. But even before the women and children could leave, hundreds of Cheetas destroyed the tribe's entrance. May wolf women panicked.
"Jackson! Make sure the women and children are safe. Go! Leave the battlefield to us!" shouted Jinyoung.
Jackson nodded and then he called to the women and children, he took around thirty men with him as they went to the northern direction away from the Cheetas.
"Calm down and focus. Do not take too many things. Just bring enough food for day! Now hurry! The enemies are already by the entrance. The warriors are trying to stop them. But they can only hold them back for a few minutes. We need to run!" Shouted Jackson.
When Jinyoung saw that Jackson had the women under control he focused on the battle. He is feeling better after his rest. He may not yet be as vigorous as before, but he can fight. And he will fight until the Western throne is his.
"We are here with you Brother." Said V
Jinyoung saw V, Taeyong and Sehun standing a few feet from him.
"We need to defeat all these Cheetas and go to their territory right away. We need to claim the Western Palace and finally claim the Western Throne." Said Jinyoung.
"When the four of us are together, we have not failed yet." Said Sehun.
Taeyong nodded.
"I flew up earlier. I have noticed that there were also some other creatures that joined the Cheetas. They seemed to be very big in number. If my estimation is correct, this looks like three tribes joined together." Said Taeyong.
"It seems they formed an alliance out of fear." Said V. "But we can handle this."
"As long as the women are safe... as long as we can focus on the battle, we will win." Said Jinyoung.
Nayeon gave the last weapon she created to a warrior.
"That is all the new ones." Said Nayeon.
"You better hurry. The women and children already left. You have to run behind them to catch up. We can ask two warriors to accompany you. The Chief needs you safe. Now go!" said the warrior.
Nayeon nodded. She went out of the tent but saw four unfamiliar men waiting for her outside. They were talking to Hyuna. These men looked a bit different, their lean but tall bodies are so much different from the big and bulky ones of the wolves. Nayeon gulped, her heart started beating fast...
"Hyuna, what is the meaning of this?" asked the warrior behind Nayeon.
"Oh." Hyuna turned to Nayeon. "This is the Chief's woman. If you will get her, the Chief will surely get distracted."
The warrior pulled Nayeon behind him.
"You are a traitor, Hyuna. How can you do this to our tribe! To our Chief!" said the warrior.
"He was the one who first turned his back on me." Said Hyuna. "Get the woman and ran as far away from here as you can."
The warrior was ready to fight but Nayeon pulled his arm.
"They are too many for you." whispered Nayeon. "I will go with them... but you need to run as fast as you can and let my cousin Sehun know."
The warrior did not move.
"Go. There is a bigger chance for me to survive this if you leave my side alive." Said Nayeon.
The warrior then shifted into a wolf. The cheetas move back. And then the wolf ran away fast. Two of the Cheetas shifted and followed the wolf.
"What a brave little human." Said Hyuna. "Now get her!"
The Cheetas took Nayeon.
Jinyoung was fighting with five Cheetas at the same time when he smelt it... his mate... her scent is moving away. It's probably because Jackson is taking them to safety. And then he saw a warrior going to Sehun. And then Sehun turned to Jinyoung, his face has a suppressed anger.
Jinyoung finished the Cheetas around him and then he went to Sehun.
"What is it?"
"It's Nayeon. Some Cheetas entered the tribe from a different path. They were let in by your former Mistress. They took Nayeon." Said Sehun.
Jinyoung roared loud, it was heard even by Jackson's group.
"Where are they?" asked Jinyoung, his hands are fast changing, his body was starting to expand.
The warrior gulped.
"They headed to the east." Said the warrior.
"I will follow their trial and get my cousin back. You have to stay here Jinyoung. You are the warrior's Chief." Said Sehun.
But Jinyoung roared louder as his eyes turned red, his clothes tearing with how big his body is expanding.
Mark ran towards them.
"What is happening?" asked Mark
Mark gulped, this is the most he had seen the chief shift. Jinyoung's face has almost completely shifted into a wolf, he is now standing double his height, his body three times bigger.
"Mark, get all the wolf warriors out. Ask them to retreat and follow the women. Pull away everyone, do not leave anyone behind." Said Sehun. "Do you understand? Once Jinyoung fully shifts, he is going to destroy everything here, that includes everyone. And nothing is going to stop him. Hurry!"
Mark and the warrior nodded and ran.
"Brother... I will save Nayeon for you but you have to calm down. If you continue with this...You will destroy your own tribe and you may kill your own people. You may even hurt Nayeon once I have her back!" said Sehun.
But Jinyoung continued to grow and growl.
Sehun saw shadows behind him.
"You have to hurry and follow Nayeon, Sehun. Leave Jinyoung to us." Said V.
Sehun nodded.
"Be safe, brothers." Said Sehun.
And then Sehun left.
"Go Taeyong, make sure every wolf has left the tribe. I will try to control Jinyoung once the shifting is full." Said V.
"I cannot leave you to face his beast alone, V." said Taeyong.
"Jinyoung is going to regret it if someone important to him dies in his own hands. I want you to make sure that is not going to happen. Go!" ordered V.
Taeyong took a deep breath, and then he ran to help Mark move everyone out.
"Brother... once you fully shift, finish all the Cheetas and their allies. And then ... it will be you and I." said V
In just a matter of minutes, Jinyoung stood, five times his height, his body five times bigger, his eyes red. He was a fully shifted wolf but is much bigger. The wolf warriors who were on their way out of the tribe saw him from afar.
"Is that.... Is that Chief?" asked a warrior.
"Yes... it seems so." Said Mark.
"But... that's....Why is he a giant back wolf?" asked another warrior.
"It seems like our Chief is a Demon wolf." Said Mark, gulping.
"But demon wolves are just legends. They can't be real. It's been centuries... there has not been a demon wolf!" said another.
"Well do you think THAT is just our imagination?" asked Mark
The warriors all looked stunned and afraid.
"Is it true that demon wolves..."
And then the demon wolf blew fire to tents and burned many Cheeta warriors alive.
"blow fire...." The warrior's voice faded in fear.
"If the legends are true. Then we have to hurry and leave. A demon wolf is a destructive machine. It only knows how to destroy kill and burn. It will not spare anyone. It will kill anything that would stand in its way." Said Taeyong. "Go! While you can still save your lives!"
The warriors all ran for their lives.
Sehun landed a few feet ahead of the group he's following. When they saw him, they stopped. There were only ten Cheetas. One of them is carrying Nayeon on his shoulder.
"If I were you, I'll return the woman where she belongs." Said Sehun.
"You are arrogant. You followed us alone." Said a Cheeta
"Not alone." Said Sehun.
Chayeol landed beside Sehun from a tree.
"You are too few. You are going to be dead soon." Said another Cheeta.
"You overestimate yourselves." Said Sehun. "Lesson number one... do not underestimate your enemies!"
Sehun attacked the Cheetas and he was able to reach two heads and bumped them together crashing them. He then pulled a Cheeta's arm breaking it as he kicked another Cheeta on his rib. Chanyeol also attacked with his sword, he avoided three attacks and was able to slash two Cheeta's chest one after another. Sehun jumped on another Cheeta and slashed it's back. He grabbed another Cheeta's head and broke its neck. Chanyeol threw his sword and stabbed the chest of another Cheeta.
Sehun turned to see that the only Cheeta left was the one standing with Nayeon in front of him like he's using Nayeon as his shield, a blade on Nayeon's neck.
Sehun smiled.
"I don't think it's wise to still hold on to the woman when you know there is nothing you can do now to save your life." Said Sehun
Chanyeol jumped at the Cheeta, the Cheeta panicked and almost stabbed Nayeon's neck put Sehun was fast as he pulled the Cheeta's arm and broke it, dropping his blade. Nayeon fell on the ground with shock.
Sehun pierced the Cheeta's chest. Chanyeol lifted Nayeon up and hugged her.
"Are you all right, Sister?" asked Chanyeol. "I only got you back... I almost lost you again."
"I am... safe thanks to you... both of you." said Nayeon.
"We have to hurry. Jinyoung is shifting." Said Sehun.
And then Sehun smelt the wolf warriors approaching.
"Nayeon!" Mark shouted as he saw Nayeon. "I am glad you are safe."
Nayeon went to Mark.
"What is happening? Why are you all here? Is the battle over? Where is Jinyoung?" asked Nayeon.
"No Nayeon. There were still so many enemies but... the Chief has fully shifted. Nayeon... the Chief... your mate is a Demon wolf." Said Mark.
"What... do you mean?" asked Nayeon.
"He is an ancient beast... they are giant black wolves which blows fire."
Nayeon's eyes widened.
"It will kill and destroy endlessly until it dies. It's mind is full of hate and anger, he will not recognize anyone and he will kill everything." Said Sehun. "Right now, everyone has to ran away from him."
"V stayed behind. Once the Cheetas and their allies are finished, V will try to control him." Said Taeyong.
"He's making a death wish." Said Sehun. "I will go back there."
"Me too." Said Taeyong.
"Take me with you." said Nayeon.
"No. I can't just let you die there." Said Chanyeol pulling Nayeon back.
"Brother... that wolf is my mate. Whether he is a demon wolf or not, he is Jinyoung... my Jinyoung, the man I love. I will not let him kill and destroy until he dies!" said Nayeon, tears streaming down her eyes.
"There is no point in going there Nayeon." Said Taeyong. "If he kills you... that's the end of him."
"You know how dangerous he is but you two are going back for him because he is your brother. I am his mate, Our hearts are one. You cannot just pull me away from him!" said Nayeon. "Please.... If... if there's even a tiny chance he will listen to me... please... just let me try..."
The wolf warriors all looked at one another.
"Take these." A warrior gave his word and shield to Sehun.
"Keep our Queen safe." He said.
Nayeon felt her chest swelling.
And then Mark went and placed his hand on Nayeon's shoulder.
"Once this is over, we will remember how you risked your life to stay with your wolf mate, our Chief. And we will never again doubt that you are a worthy female, worthy to be our Queen." Said Mark.
"Gather all the wolf warriors and surround the Western palace. By the number of Cheetas who attacked, I am assuming they have very few left in their territory. Do not attack them yet. Wait for a message from us. Once Jinyoung calms down.... Or if he does come down... he will claim that throne, and he will be the Wolf King of the West." Said Taeyong.
"We will go. C'mon everyone, let's move." Shouted Mark.
"Chanyeol, go and call all the Lion warriors. Join the wolves. I will follow you." said Sehun
Chanyeol closed his eyes tight.
"Must you really do this?" Chanyeol's voice broke.
Nayeol hugged her brother.
"I do not think this will be the last time we'll see each other, Brother.... Have faith." Said Nayeon.

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