King of the South 9

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King of the South

Chapter 9

V could not believe it it when the warrior told him Seulgi is coming. But he knew RM will not be mistaken. So V ran to the open area of the palace with heart racing. Jinyoung and Sehun followed him. And then he saw Seulgi in the air coming. But why does something looked odd with Seulgi's flying? Why doe she look so unstable? And then V noticed Seulgi's descent was rather fast. V's eyes widened. His sister is not flying, she's falling!

V immediately released his wings and flew. He caught Seulgi just three feet before Seulgi hit the ground. Seulgi was unconscious.

V shook Seulgi.

"Seulgi! Wake up! Wake up!"

V landed on the ground.

"What's the matter, Brother?" asked Jinyoung

"Is she injured?" asked Sehun

Just then Jisoo arrived. She immediately went to Seulgi and checked her.

"Her pulse is fine..." said Jisoo. "But we need to check for injuries."

And then Seulgi's eyes fluttered open.

"Sister." said V. "You are now safe. You are home."

Seulgi could not see the faces clearly but she could hear a familiar voice... a voice like her brother's. Was she able to reach the palace?

"Princess, be strong."

That was a woman's voice... could it be Jisoo's? Does that mean Seulgi made it? If she made it... then she must tell them...


Seulgi's voice was faint but V heard it.

"Yes, Seulgi... don't talk. Just rest, all right? Jisoo will take care of you." said V, still holding Seulgi in his arms.

"The Wolf tribe... is under attack." whispered Seulgi.

Both Jisoo and V heard it.

V turned to Jinyoung.

"Seulgi said the wolves are under attack." said V

Jinyoung's eyes widened. And then he ran out of the palace. Sehun followed Jinyoung.

V immediately brought Seulgi to her room. Seulgi lost consciousness before her body hit the bed.

"I need to check her for injuries." said Jisoo

V nodded and left the room. Several dragon healers entered Seulgi's room. V paced outside. Anxiety eating him inside. What has happened? Is his sister injured? How severe is it? Why is the wolf tribe under attack? There had been peace in the West, Jinyoung had completely made every creature there submit to his authority... Could the attack be from the South? But how did Seulgi and these enemies come out of the wall? Did Taeyong go with them? Did the wall already break? Is the final battle starting? If that's the case, they are late in their preparations.

And then Jisoo came out of the room.

V pulled Jisoo in his arms.

"Tell me." said V

"We did see some bruises and wounds. But we did not see anything fatal." said Jisoo

V sighed in relief as he buried his face on Jisoo's neck.

"I think she's exhausted." said Jisoo. "I will take care of her."

V pulled away.

"I need to help Jinyoung and Sehun. We do not know what kind of enemies attacked the wolves." said V

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