King of the South 3

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King of the South

Chapter 3

Taeyong watched the King sigh. This is not good. This is his third sigh in just a few minutes and it means something heavy is weighing on his mind.

Taeyong knows V very well. Even a slight move of the King's brow is something Taeyong could easily read. Being V's adviser for the past decades had made their bond stronger than it already was. They were already Brothers under the Demanix Order together with Sehun and Jinyoung. Their a bond is stronger than blood. But since he had been serving V for a while now, his relationship with V and the dragons had grown so much more.

Unlike Jinyoung, Sehun and V, Taeyong did not have a Kingdom to conquer yet. Whereas his three brothers had been already preparing and slowly conquering their kingdoms since they were boys, Taeyong could only learn from them, help them and watch. And since his supposed kingdom is currently still sealed, the Demanix Order decided to put him in V's care.

Of course they did not put it that way. They said the Northern Kingdom is the largest in terms of geography and population. Because of that, The Dragon King would need the most help. But Taeyong knew the underlying reason. As long as he carries the Beast inside his body... he will always be a threat. And just in case Taeyong fails to keep the beast sealed, only V's dragon will be able to stop the beast if only to buy the Order time.

At first he felt like a burden to V, he felt like a child that needs watching. But V did not make him feel that way. V never even once asked where he went or what he did. At first Taeyong felt like he's obligated to tell him. V is of course the King he is serving. Besides... Taeyong did not want anyone to have any doubt about his promise... that he would never again turn his back on his vow of celibacy, to keep the beast inside him. But it seems like for V, he was already convinced from the start that Taeyong will keep his word. Taeyong did not need to prove it.

And then V sighed again.

"That's the sixth sigh, My Lord. I am worried that your lungs may be suffering from too much deep breathing." said Taeyong.

V rolled his eyes.

"We breathe much harder when we train, Taeyong. And not once did my lungs complain." said V

Taeyong suppressed a laugh.

"My Lord, will you tell me what's troubling you? Maybe I could be of help?" asked Taeyong.

V's eyes narrowed as if he was contemplating if indeed Taeyong is able to help in his predicament.

"Is it about the threats to the palace now that it seems like some of the clans had discovered our whereabouts?" asked Taeyong.

V did not answer but kept looking like he's thinking.

"We've already alerted the warriors to be ready for any attack." said Taeyong. "We've also sent spies to find those clans so that we can either attack them first or learn when they will attack us. I will leave tonight to meet the spies. From what I can see, there is nothing to worry about."

"That's the first thing." said V

"Oh... how many things are we talking about, My Lord?" asked Taeyong.

"Two things." said V


V sat on his chair across Taeyong.

"Do you remember the white snake clan?" asked V

Taeyong nodded.

"They agreed to form an alliance with us isn't it, My Lord?" asked Taeyong.

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