Lion King 1

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Book 2

Lion King: Chapter 1

"Hurry up Lisa! Why do you keep lagging behind?" Shouted Lisa's Dad.

Lisa snorted. If she had a choice she would run faster. But her legs won't let her! She's barely seven and her lack of ability to move fast always lags her behind the others.

"Dad, it's because my legs are still small. I still can't run as fast as you." Said Lisa

"Your daughter is right." Said Lisa's mom.

Lisa's Dad chuckled.

"Well I know that. But you know how a small tribe like ours survives, we survive by moving. We don't stay in one place for long." Said Lisa's Dad. "Lisa has to learn to move fast."

"I will be fast Dad." Said Lisa.

"Good. Make sure you fulfill that promise." Said Lisa's Dad

Lisa rolled her eyes.

There are around six other families who were running with them. They were a very small tribe. They know each family well from which mountains they come from to what their favorite food is.

"Lisa will be the fastest Lion shifter on the face of Vishox." Said one of the elder Lions.

Some others also agreed.

Lisa smiled.

"Of course I will be. My legs will grow very long!" said Lisa.

And then Lisa's Dad stopped and so did the others.

"Spread!" Lisa's Dad shouted.

That could only mean one thing. They are going to be attacked.

The Lions ran in different directions. Lisa felt her Dad carry her with one of his arms.

"I can run on my own Dad!" said Lisa.

"Not with this one." Said Lisa's Dad.

Lisa saw the worry in her Dad's eyes.

Lisa gulped.

What are these attackers? Are they strong? Can they outrun them?

And then Lisa saw two figures block their way. Lisa's mom who was just in front of them stopped.

"Well ..." said one of the shifter. "We found ourselves some Lions."

"We have no feud with you. We were only passing by." Said Lisa's Mom.

"When it comes to Lions, we don't let them just pass by." Said the other figure. "We kill them."

"What wrong did we do to you that you would spill our blood?" asked Lisa's Dad.

Lisa hid her face on her Dad's chest. She felt so much fear.

"It is because you are born Lions that is why you will die tonight." Said the first man.

"That will never justify killing innocent lives." Said Lisa's Dad.

"No one will know. We will leave no witnesses."

Lisa gulped.

And then the two attackers fell on the ground. It was so sudden that even Lisa's parents were shocked. The attackers both had sword slashes on their backs. But who did it? And how come they did not see anything?

"Are you all right?"

Lisa's parents turned and saw a boy... he hasn't reach shifter maturity yet... a lion shifter!

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