Lion King 5

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Chapter 5

Lisa grew anxious as days went by. She wanted to be excited to finally be part of a clan but she can't help but feel troubled. After learning Sehun has a mistress, it wasn't easy accepting that she will be going through a battle. This time, she may need to enter a battle, not by sword but by feminine charms. And Lisa knows she does not have any ounce of charm in her body.
It's a losing battle...
DO saw Lisa sighing as she was stirring the soup she's cooking.
"Don't tell me you still haven't fixed things with the Commander? I got my faced crushed for helping you talk to him." Said DO
"You kissed me without permission. You totally deserved that." Said Lisa
DO winced.
"Yeah well...ummm...I am really sorry about that. I should have warned you." Said DO. "But then there was no way in hell you would allow it, would you?"
Lisa nodded.
"Thought so." Said DO. "So... what's making your face this long?"
Lisa sighed again.
"The Commander asked me to join your clan." Said Lisa.
"That's great. Isn't that suppose to be good news?" asked DO
"I also learned he has a mistress at home waiting for him." Said Lisa
DO scratched his brow.
"How come you never told me?" asked Lisa
"For a long time, the Commander did not seem to take notice of you. I never thought it will be a problem. But now..."
"But now it will." Said Lisa
DO took a while to answer.
"She's my sister." Said DO.
"The Commander's mistress is my sister." Repeated DO.
Lisa's eyes widened.
"It's a very complicated situation." Said DO.
Lisa held her breath.
"Explain please." Said Lisa
DO took a deep breath.
"She's been in love with the Commander since childhood. She wanted to be his mate."
Lisa gulped. The Mistress and Her... they have similar desires.
"When we grew up, she realized she may not be the Commander's mate. She tried to seduce the Commander so many times so that she could be his mistress at least. The village elders took pity on her and asked the Commander to make her his mistress. The Commander did not want my sister. But my sister is your usual cheery and kind girl everyone loves. So many other villagers begged the Commander to take her as his mistress. The Commander never took a mistress before that. You know him, he likes variety. But he had high respects for the people who asked him, and so he took my sister as his mistress...he did it out of duty to the clan." Said DO
Lisa felt her chest tightening. Sehun truly did not want the woman... but will his sense of duty come between them?
"Did you also... were you one of those people who asked him to accept her as his mistress?" Asked Lisa
DO bit his lips tight.
"Yes." Said DO.
Lisa felt dark clouds coming on her way.
"My sister... her world is the Commander. She was already starting to lose herself in agony because he won't like her back. She started to stop eating... she started to do extreme things that eventually ends up hurting herself and others. We wanted her to go back to the way she was... that kind and sweet girl... that is why we had no choice but to ask the Commander's help." Said DO.
Oh no...
"And... did it help?" asked Lisa
"When she became the Commander's mistress... she stopped the extreme things she was doing. She started to eat again. She wanted to be healthy and strong so that whenever the Commander will ask of her, she will have strength to give herself to him." Said DO.
How can Lisa compete with that? If she allows the Commander to get rid of DO's sister as mistress... what is going to happen to her? Oh no... this is much more complicated than Lisa thought.
"The Commander... he told me he is serious with you." Said DO. "He will ask my sister to step down from being his mistress."
Lisa closed her eyes.
"I am so sorry... I..."
"It isn't your fault." Said DO. "And it's also not the Commander's fault. We are all victims of the situation."
"I will ask the Commander to keep her." Said Lisa
"Will you be able to bear it? Just the thought of him going to random women was already draining you, will you be able to bear him having a mistress?" Asked DO
"I...I don't know." Whispered Lisa
Just the thought of Sehun having a mistress is already a painful storm in her chest.
"The Commander wants to set things straight with my sister. He wants her to accept the truth of their situation. There is a part of my heart that wants my sister to accept that and move on... but at the same time. I am worried of her wellbeing." Said DO
Lisa could see DO's anxious thoughts in his eyes. DO had been so good to her, her confidant. She has never done anything for him and yet... this is how she repays him?
"I'm sorry DO..." said Lisa. "I wish I know what to do... I wish I can say I can just forget the way I feel for the Commander... but I don't think I can."
DO smiled.
"I will never blame you whatever happens Lisa. I know you will never intentionally hurt the people who are important to this troupe." Said DO. "Besides... right now I don't think it's within your choice. The Commander will ask my sister to stepdown whether you will agree with him or not."
DO patted Lisa's shoulder.

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