Dragon King 10

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Dragon King Chapter 10

The Dragon warriors began to move. It was still dark. But they need to reach the camp of the enemies before night fall. There is no time to waste.
"My Lord, we should reach the Meriam mountain by sun up. Since we will still be in the underground passage, the enemies will not be alerted yet." Said Suga. "By the afternoon, we will reach Honey Town. That's where the underground passage ends." Said Suga
"That means once we reach Honey town, we shpuld be alert against enemies." Said V.
"We have found spots where our warriors can divide into two groups, My Lord. Team Alpha will continue the journey to Fer Forest and will be the first to attack the enemy camp. Team Delta will hide for a while inside Honey Town and will eventually be the reinforcements." Said RM.
"That's a good plan. We want to make sure that in case the enemies are prepared for us, we will not lose all our warriors." Said V.
"I can lead Team Alpha, My Lord." Said Taeyong.
V shook his head.
"I will lead team Alpha." Said V
RM and Suga both looked worried.
"My Lord." Said RM. "You are our King. We must protect you at all cost. If we lose you, there is no longer anything to fight for."
V patted RM's shoulder.
"You are right. I am King. And that means I lead. I do not hide behind my people because I fear death. I go with my people, I fight with them and for them. Because when you're king, you are not afraid to lose your life fighting." Said V
RM's throat moved.
"Where would you want to post me , My Lord?" asked Taeyong.
"I need you to stay with the Delta Team, Taeyong. And I need you to be vigilant. Should there be anything that will endanger my people... call Jinyoung and Sehun immediately." Said V.
V held Taeyong's arm.
"I trust you, Brother." Said V and then he gripped Taeyong's arm. "I trust you."
Taeyong took a moment to answer.
"You can count on me, Brother." Said Taeyong.

Jisoo woke up early that morning and felt odd. She usually wakes up with V beside her. She would wake up with either V watching her wake up or he would stop her from leaving their bed once he feels her move away from him. This morning... she was alone in bed.
It was odd...
And cold...
And she was lonely...
Where did he go so early?
Jisoo immediately rose and went around the Palace to look for V. She's worried... there's that tight knot inside her... she feels troubled... and until she finds him and makes sure everything is all right... she will not have peace.
But Jisoo could not find King V.
No matter how much she search... No matter where she goes... King V is not around... Even Sir Taeyong is nowhere to be found... and so are Sir RM and most of the warriors Jisoo knows.
What is going on?
Jisoo reached Princess Seulgi's room. She has never gone to Princess Seulgi's room to invade the Princess' privacy... but today... she can't help it. She must know what is going on.

Seulgi opened her door when she heard the knock. And Lo and Behold, the woman she does not want to see today was standing just outside her door.
If Seulgi can only tell her brother what to do, she would have told him that he must tell Jisoo what he was up to. There is no point in hiding a great battle to the person you love. A great battle is where you can potentially lose your life... and not telling the most important person in your life that you may die that day is just unacceptable!
But then... with Jisoo's personality... she can't blame her brother
"Tell me what is going on, Princess." Said Jisoo. "Please.... I know you know what it is."
Seulgi sighed and then she pulled Jisoo inside her room.
"First... I want you to promise me that you will not speak or leave this room until I finish talking." Said Seulgi. "And Second, I need you to promise me that you will not endanger my brother's life by any rash decisions."
Jisoo's throat moved.
"I promise." She said.
Seulgi held Jisoo's hand.
"My brother and the warriors are headed to the enemy territory today. They plan on a surprise attack against the enemies. It is going to be a battle, Jisoo." Said Seulgi
Seulgi saw Jisoo going pale.
"My brother asked me to keep this from you because he knows you will be worried. You will go after them." Said Seulgi. "I can see your mind working, Jisoo. My brother is right."
Jisoo turned to leave the room but Seulgi pulled her back.
"You promised to listen to everything I have to say so listen first, Jisoo." Said Seulgi. "My brother needs to focus right now. There is absolutely nothing that can go wrong. Any mistake would mean defeat... and even death. If you suddenly go out there... once he sees you in the battle field... he will lose focus. He will protect you... he will forget everything else."
Jisoo's eyes watered as her lips started trembling.
"I know you are worried... but my brother wants to keep you safe. You are important to him. After the battle... once he gets the victory... he wants to come home here knowing you are waiting for him." Said Seulgi. "Please, Jisoo... I beg you... stay here with me. Let's wait for their return."
Jisoo fell on the floor.
"He's... not going to die." said Jisoo. "He is a strong king."
Seulgi tried to pull Jisoo up.
"Of course." Said Seulgi. "He's my brother. He's the Dragon King. He is going to win this battle."
Jisoo nodded.
"He will. He must win and come back... he must return to me..." said Jisoo
Seulgi pulled Jisoo in her arms.
"He will, Jisoo." Said Seulgi.
Jisoo could not concentrate on her task. She knows she must prepare all the medicine for the injured warriors which will be brought back from the battle for sure. But her mind is on V.
Jisoo tried to shake it off.
King V is strong... he will not lose.
Jisoo decided to take a little walk outside. She needs some air. She was walking in the garden looking for Sweety when she heard men talking. It was not unusual for men to talk in the garden but their conversation stopped Jisoo's steps.
"I have already given them the timetable that the dragons plan to take. The Bears are now waiting. They know the dragons will enter Honey town this afternoon. They will allow the dragons to enter the town. And then they will attack the dragon warriors from behind while the other northern clans will attack them in front once the dragons reach the Fer Forest. They will be sandwiched. They will be trapped. There will be no chance for them to survive." Said the man. "If only the secret passage location was revealed to us, it would have been easier to trap them. As it is, that man only gave us the time table."
Jisoo felt her heart beating fast. Is she hearing this right? Are these men traitors? Did they just inform the enemies about King V's plan so that the enemies will prepare a trap for the dragons?
Oh no...
Jisoo saw who the men were. The wolf who had been looking at her whenever she was in the wolf tribe... this boy... this man... why did he betray the dragons? Is he not afraid to be punished by the Wolf King?
"Once the Dragon King falls... the Wolf King will also fall eventually." Said the man. "And then I can avenge my sister Hyuna's death."
Hyuna's brother? This man is Jinyoung's former mistress' brother? He is doing this for revenge?
Oh no... King V must be informed immediately.
The men walked away. And then when she knows the men are some distance from her, Jisoo ran. She reached Seulgi and immediately told Seulgi everything.
"First, I will call on the warriors to catch those men and detain them. I want information to be juiced out from them." Said Seulgi.
"Time is running out, Princess." Said Jisoo "The dragons will be sandwiched and trapped if we don't stop the dragons from entering Honey Town."
Seulgi closed her eyes tight.
"We need to send someone... someone fast.... Someone who can reach my brother without being caught." Said Seulgi.
"You can't send a dragon warrior, he will be easily caught." Said Jisoo. "Send me."
Seulgi's eyes widened.
"No... I promised my brother I will protect you." Said Seulgi.
"I will run in my wolf form." Said Jisoo. "The enemies will ignore me. They will not know I am with the dragons."
"No... Jisoo don't-"
"Thousands of Dragons warrior's lives are at stake here, Princess. King V's life is in danger. Please... let me do this... Let me bring the message to them. Let me... protect my mate and his kingdom, Princess." Said Jisoo
Seulgi gulped. And then she closed her eyes tight.
"My brother... is never going to forgive me for this... so you must stay alive... so that you can convince him to forgive me." Said Seulgi. "Bring... my brother back here safe."
Jisoo nodded. She hugged Seulgi tight.
"The King will come back alive, Princess." Said Jisoo. "Just wait and see."

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