Chapter One

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Meeting A Special Kind Of Metal Duck!

On a dark and stormy night in Duckberg, Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera, an intern that worked for Dr Gyro Gearloose had managed to sneak out of the lab with Dr Gearloose's latest invention for a secret test run, Against the objections from Manny who had placed a bet with Lil Bulb as he departed.

He was unable to contain his joy from flying over the town for the first time, Cheering above the city of Duckberg.

Unaware of the danger above him as Fenton hadn't thought ahead of the weather report that was scheduled for tonight, The clouds above him ominously casting a dark shadow across the city as a great big lightning bolt shocked the gizmo-armor.

Unfortunately the suit was not lightning-proof yet as Fenton soon found out as he began pummelling down towards the ground at the speed of sound, Screaming as he could see a large roof coming his way as he braced for the painful impact that was waiting for him right

However, His impact was not painful as he would thought it would be, Sure he might have some minor scratches and bruising but he hadn't accounted for the soft bed that was now scattered with his arm of the armour, Dust from the ceiling he fell through and his lucky number 2 pencil.

Fenton: "Ugh...mental note, work on reflecting the lightning on the suit"

Holding his head as the pain slowly travelled through his head, Fenton sat up to try and make sense of his new location...which he then realised he was trespassing on the property, What was he going to tell his mamá?, Was Dr Gearloose going to terminate...his internship, It sent a chill up Fenton's spine.

From where he sat, Fenton observed various objects around the room which made his questioning grow with each new item such as, A little shelf with about 4 books ranging from Mythology to History, A desk with an old spiny chair with various tools alongside a sketchpad with what looked like a handmade tablet. The wallpaper looked faded and slightly outdated whilst noticing a box in the corner labelled 'Inventions' in bubbly writing.

Fenton also noticed that pieces of his armour were spread about but his chest plate,Visor and one of his gizmo-suit arm still remained.

Before Fenton could get a chance to patch up the hole in the ceiling, The door slowly opened as a little girl with a fluffy white coat on let out a little gasp, Hiding slightly behind the door, Staring at him in awe before slowly closing the door behind her and jumping up to turn on the light, The two of them watching as it flickers before lighting up the room.

She stares at him for a moment before looking up noticing the big hole above them along with the dust and debris scattered around the floor. She went over towards her desk, Opening the top drawer that had a warned out star sticker as the girl picked up a first aid kit, Hesitantly stepping towards him, Cautious of the giant robot duck laying on top of her bed.

The girl brings over her spinny chair, Making sure it was stable before standing on it and opened up her first aid kit but was unsure on how to approch the metal duck.

For all she knew he could have been an invention from a town far away from Duckberg.

Fenton kept quiet, His mind racing and arguing with itself back and forth as the girl finally placed a white plaster with a little heart onto his beak, Hoping it would help him even if she was unclear to what his injuries were.

The metal-duck let out a small laugh before sitting up properly, Nearly face to face with the small child.

Fenton: "Thank you for the plaster, I feel much better now then I was before, Did I wake you up?"

The girl shakes her head before getting down from her chair and examining one of his gizmo-arms, Seemingly to be quite interested in the design but went over to him and placed it on his lap, Backing away as Fenton got to work on making the arm to be in tip-top shape for Dr Gearloose's inspection tomorrow.

Fenton: "If you don't mind, I need a few tools to help fix my arm, Is it alright if I could borrow some?"

The little girl nodded, Quickly grabbing her tools and handed each tool as she watched with wonder as she saw how the arm worked and how it fitted before he made a little wave towards her, Making her laugh as the suit made a slight beep as Fenton was made aware of his visor powering up again.

Gizmo-Visor: "Location: The Duckberg Orphanage For Blessed Souls, Should I let the lab know where you are?"

Fenton: "No!!, I mean not at the moment as that is not necessary"

The girl watched as he balanced himself on his wheel as she awed at the tools that appeared from the suit, Quickly fixing up the hole in the ceiling, Before opening up her window and sweeping the dust from her bed as a loud crash of thunder burst through the clouds, Causing the girl to hide behind him.

Fenton looked down at her, Noticing her black eyes staring back at him scared as the thunder continued on.

Carefully minding the now repaired ceiling, Fenton holding her close to him as she was intrigued by the symbol on his chest, Distracting her slightly from the weather outside as he closed the window.

The girl continued to stare up at him, Letting out a slight yawn before resting her head on his chest plate, Trying to fight her sleepiness.

Fenton chuckled as he quietly placed the child into her bed, Pulling up the covers before realising he had to exit through the window, Groaning as the rain continued to pour over Duckberg.

Fenton mood soon turned positive, Seeing the girl smile in her sleep as she snuggled into her pillow but soon realised she was still holding his hand as a smile appeared on his face, Ruffling her hair before carefully removing his arm and moving away from her, Turning off her bedroom light.

Fenton: "Sweet Dreams Pequeña"

With near careful position and losing control of the suit about 5 times during the night, Stopping to keep a protective eye on the child in question before he managed to manoeuvre his way out the window without disturbing the child.

Fenton sighed in relief but as he is about to leave the room of the child, Fenton takes one last look at her before noticing another sketchpad full of drawings on the floor.

He glances down at it but objects to looking further without her permission......

Before glancing at the name at the bottom of the page.


Flying back towards the lab, The genius's mind could't help but wonder about the child he had just left behind, Those black eyes of hers staring deep into his soul, It made Fenton wonder about her for the rest of the night until he got home late from the lab.

End Of Chapter One.

Amhrán Na Farraige (Ducktales 2017)Where stories live. Discover now