Chapter Thirty-Eight

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It's been some time since Grandma has haunted my dreams. Lately, it's always been, Adrian. But not tonight. 

The sweet aroma of baking cookies tickle my nostrils as I walk into the house. The place is pitch black and I go to turn on the lights. They don't work. 

"Grandma," I call, walking further into the house. "You home?"

I get no response.

Through squinted eyes, I enter the kitchen, the sweet smell being replaced with a foul one. Burning. Steam slaps me in the face. Hot and sticky.

My eyes are now stinging, smoke everywhere. 

"Grandma," I yell. "Where are you?"

That's when I hear the banging. 




                                      tap, tap, tap

"Grandma." This time my voice is low. "Is that you?"

The banging and soft taps continue. I take a step forward, trying to pinpoint its location. 


The tapping gets louder as I maneuver myself around the wash-wood island. It's definitely the loudest when I reach the oven.


Is it coming from the oven?

I press my face against the glass, feeling the heat. 

What's in there?

Suddenly a hand appears on the other side of the glass, a face following it and I jump back, my screams ringing through the house.

"Save me," Grandma is shouting. 

Gasping for breath, I crash into the oven and take hold of the handle, pulling. Nothing happens. It won't budge.

Grandma is shouting. I am screaming. The smoke alarm is yelling.

I pull again and again and again.

"Save me!"

"I'm trying!"

But as hard as I try, the oven won't open, Grandma burning...

I awake, my heart thumping widely. The stench of smoke fading. All the screaming coming to a stop.

A nightmare. It was just a nightmare.

Shaking like a leaf, I climb out of the comfort of my bed and pad over to the door. The hinges creak as I push it open and I wince. Hope no one woke up from that.

I make my way downstairs, surprised to find the kitchen light already on.  I enter to find Dad sitting at the island scooping spoonfuls of chocolate pudding into his mouth.

I'm standing in the doorway when he looks up. At first, his mouth forms a surprised O but then flips into a bright smile. 

"Couldn't sleep either?" he asks.

"Yup," I say, sliding onto the stool beside him. 

He hands me a plastic spoon from the utensil container. 

"Thank you." I smile, dipping my spoon into the chocolate pudding. Scrumptious! 

We sit like this for a while, enjoying each other's company as we share the pudding.

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