Wide Open Spaces Are...

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Beam slipped his hands under the bottom of Forth's t-shirt and slipped it over his head. What he really wanted to do was rip it off, but riding home on that damn motorcycle would be cold... Once Forth was bare chested, he dipped his head and licked one nipple and then the next.

He watched as Forth shivered, the nipples hardening quickly in the cool air. It wasn't a cold night, really, just perfect for having sex outside. Even the mosquitoes seemed to fade away as if to say, "Have fun, we know you need this night!"

He went back to the first nipple and sucked harder, leaving it nice and pink, while rubbing the other with his thumb. Then he bit it, encircling the mark he had left with a imprint of his teeth.

"Fuck Beam," moaned Forth, "Are you driving me insane?" His cock was so hard in his pants. He had two fists of the blanket now, just so that he didn't flip Beam over, strip his pants of and fuck him until he couldn't walk.

Beam only smiled and kept kissing and sucking his way down Forth's torso, paying close attention to his belly button, the light dusting of hair that led into his low rise jeans. And every time Forth tried to touch him, he would stop, and slap his hands and say "No, not yet."

With, what seemed like agonizing torture to Forth, Beam finally unsnapped his jeans and slid his hand inside. He touched only the hard tip, and finding it slippery, drew his finger out and keeping direct eye contact with Forth, put it in his mouth and sucked, hard.

Forth's body shook from the self restraint.

"Now, Baby, take off those jeans for me." Beam said slowly, sitting back on his heals, his shirt flapping in the breeze. His slim, pale body made him look like some sex god that came just to torture poor Forth.

Raising his hips, Forth tried to push his jeans down but they were too tight. "Fuck!" He swore, and standing up, he quickly shed them and with another movement, tossed his briefs after. In his glory, his cock pressed against his belly, he looked at his Princess. Beam had honestly never looked more handsome or sexy.

He went to reach for him and Beam raised his hand, palm out. "No, lay down again. I need more." He groaned from the sexual tension that was building in him but if Beam needed this, he could give it. Beam had given him so much already!

Once he was back in the original position, on his back, Beam's hand closed gently around his hard cock and just held it. He felt, rather than saw, his other hand cup his tight balls and then Forth saw his Princess's head move. The lips closed around just the tip and involuntarily, he moaned from deep within.

Beam flicked his tongue across the tip, and into each little crevice. He pumped his hand gently and let a wee bit of spit drip as lubricant. Forth was a moaner and these sounds were music to his ears, it kept him going. He could feel the blood filling the veins in this hard cock. It was so hot and pulsing in his mouth and each time, he tried to take him as deep as Forth took him. Beam gagged... and Forth broke.

When his Princess gagged, Forth felt the deep pulsing that told him he was going to come. There was no place Forth loved better than coming inside his Princess, but his Princess was not yet ready to be fucked. He pulled Beam to his mouth and kissed him, sharing his taste.

"My turn," he whispered. As he placed kisses on Beam's exposed chest, his busy hands undid the pants which blocked Beam's family jewels. "Ahhhh" As his hands finally encircled his erect cock and slid up and down. He slid a finger, dry inside Beam's flower and felt it clench around his finger and he left it there. Beam's eyes had closed, and his mouth had fallen open.

As Beam began gasping for each breath as the sensations began to overwhelm him, his hands found Forth's shoulders. He had begun to keep his nails much shorted after they started dating, but it didn't seem to matter. After a night together, Forth always was left bloody from Beam's nails and teeth. Forth wore them proudly, to him, it meant 'love'.

Of course, Forth wasn't much better, just better at hiding his marks. such as the beautiful hickey he left just above his Princess's pelvis bone. The dark purple mark had stayed there for weeks now, with Forth renewing it every lovemaking session.

Forth finally felt the shudders indicating Beam wanted to cum. "Princess, cum together?"

"Doesn't matter" Beam gasped, "I'm already with you."

Forth smiled and spit on his hand. He added the spit to the finger in Beam's ass and began to stretch him, when Beam stopped him. "Baby, Sometimes, I like to feel the pain. Just do it." Forth searched Beam's face closely and still with the spit lubed fingers, stroked several times.

"No." Beam repeated, "Just fuck me. I want you now." He thrust his hips up and poked his hard cock into Forth. "Fuck me, or I'll make you watch and leave."

"Fine," snapped Forth, who couldn't watch his Princess in any kind of pain. He flipped Beam on to all fours and spread his delectable ass, opening his flower as large as he could. With one swift movement, he pierced Beam and sighed. He was home.

Beam sighed too. There was no feeling like being full of the one you love. Until Forth was fucked, he wouldn't understand. He moved his hips back, urging Forth to start moving and he took the hint. There really was no stopping Beam when he wanted something.

In the pale light, under the stars, Forth fucked Beam, hands tightly around his waist, screaming out his need to Beam's pleasure. Exhausted, they collapsed to the blanket, Forth still inside his beloved Princess. He gathered Beam close and held him tight. "I love you." he whispered softly.

Beam smiled, even though Forth could not see. "Love you too, Baby, love you too."

Forth kissed the back of Beam's head. "Princess? I think I've found the meaning of being outdoors and appreciating wide open spaces..."

Beam shot his elbow back into Forth's abdomen. "You ass! There's beauty, peace and quiet to be found in nature. Not just sex!" He sighed deeply, "Really, sometimes I think that's all you think about."

Forth gathered Beam closer and whispered in his ear, "No Princess, only since I met you, it's only since I met you."

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