The End is Near...

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Beam walked with a very quiet Phana to the main office the next morning to drop off Kit's paperwork. "Kit wasn't ready to come to classes today?" Pha only shook his head. "Are you okay? You haven't said much." Pha nodded.

Beam shrugged and leaned against the wall to wait while Pha went inside. He knew very well there was something on Pha's mind but it was useless to make him talk when he didn't want to. His cell began to vibrate in his pocket and he walked a small distance to answer it. 

"Hey Baby," He smiled as he answered Forth's call. "I'm at the office with Pha." He twirled his foot in small circles as he listened, staring out in the distance. "What? No, I haven't seen Ming or Wayo for a few days now. What do you mean Ming has skipped classes for the past two days?" He looked up and saw Pha. "Oh okay, I'll ask and get back to you."

"That was Forth" He said unnecessarily. "Ming and Wayo have disappeared. Have you seen either of them?" Pha shook his head, indicating no.

Beam punched him, hard in the shoulder. "Fuck you. Have you lost your voice? Talk to me." 

"No, you fucker!" Pha rubbed his shoulder. A pissed off Beam had a lot of strength. "That hurt."

"What pissed you off?" Beam asked, "I don't have time for this shit today. Engineering is going crazy. Ming hasn't called in or filed leave papers. Wayo hasn't either."

Phana shrugged. "How does this involve me? You were the one who told me to grow up. So I did. You were right. It was time. I hurt him too badly, Beam, for Wayo to ever forgive me so I'm moving on." 

Beam sighed and shook his head. "Okay, how about as one human to another? Help me look as a human being?" 

Pha only shook his head. "No, Beam. I'm not getting involved with Wayo again." He started walking away, "If you're looking for them, start at Wayo's mansion. It's where he likes to hide." and he never looked back.

Beam cursed and called Forth, "Baby, Pha picked the wrong time to hear me. I'll get no help from him. He says he's got no interest in Wayo anymore. What? Yeah, he told me to call Wayo's house."

Forth pulled to a stop in front of the black wrought iron gates at Wayo's mansion. Yup, Pha had chosen the right word. It was fucking huge! How rich was the kid? Beam got off and rang the bell and asked to speak to Wayo. It wasn't long until his chipper little voice came on the speaker. "Yes?"

"Wayo? What the fuck are you doing here and not at school?" Beam scolded!" 

"Beam? Why are you here? Just a minute..." They could hear the buzzing, indicating the gate opening and a servant came and politely asked the two gentlemen to "please follow". Another servant asked Forth for his key, and Beam nudged him. "Parking." Nodding, Forth handed it over and they followed the servant.

Wayo and Ming were in a large room with a huge bed, and a couch, entertainment system and other amenities. In fact the room was larger than Forth and Beam's whole dorm room. 

Forth walked over to Ming and cuffed him on the ear. "You fucking little shit!" 

Ming swore, holding his ear, "What the hell was that for!"

"For not following procedures when leaving campus, you shit!"

Ming and Wayo exchanged glances and said together, "What procedures?"

Forth sighed and sank defeated to the couch while Beam stood laughing. "Idiots, Beam, we're completely surrounded by idiots! You need to fill in leave forms if you're absent for longer than one damn day, and call if it's just one day." 

Another exchange of glances and both boys sank to their knees to apologize for worrying the seniors. Forth pulled out his cell and called the university, "Yeah, they're at home and safe."

Beam could see the tear tracks on both boy's faces. "So why'd you run away?"

Another exchange of glances and both boys shook their heads, refusing to talk. Beam looked at them closely and said, "It was enough that both of you cried over it, but not bad enough to tell a senior?"

Yet again Beam received silence. "Whatever, you don't want to tell me, don't. I don't fucking care anyways. Get your shit together. It's time to go back."

"No," Ming said clearly, "I'll return when I'm ready."

Wayo spoke up and said, "I'm transferring to a new school. I can't stay there." He hung his head and sighed. "I thought I could but I can't. I won't return at all."

Forth and Beam shared a glance and Beam sat down beside his man. "Ming, what did Kit do?"

Ming only shook his head. Beam tried with Wayo, "What did Phana do to you, Wayo? Please, tell me?"

Forth looked at the big fat tears rolling slowly at the small boy's face. He had to admit that he'd never seen anyone cry so pretty. Sighing, "Fuck this, I'm going to go beat the shit out of Phana, Beam. I've wanted to punch the shit out of him since I heard he took your first kiss."

Wayo only cried harder. Ming gathered his friend in his arms and snarled, "Did you have to tell him that?"

"Well, if one of you fucking brats would just talk, then maybe I wouldn't have made him cry harder!" Forth snarled back, getting right into Ming's face.

"You want to know? The Great Fucking Phana kissed Kit before me and not only that, a couple of days ago I went to check up on Kit..." Ming was crying now, snot dripped from his nose, gasping for breath. He stopped to breath and then spit out, "You know, after Pha tried to kill him and I heard them having sex!"

Beam shot to his feet. "What did you say?" He grabbed Ming by the front of his shirt and dragged the boy to his feet. "Say that again!"

Ming looked at Beam with pity in his eyes, knowing the pain of betrayal. "I heard the sounds of sex. From Kit's room so I waited to see who would leave. It was Phana." Beam let go and Ming sunk to the floor like a stone. All colour had washed from Beam's normally pale skin.

No wonder Pha had been silent this morning, wanting nothing to do with Wayo. Poor Kit, being Wayo's replacement. 

Beam bent down and pulled Ming up from the floor and with all his might, pulled back and punched Ming, giving him one hell of a black eye. He stood over him and said, "That's for telling Wayo and hurting him." He bent down and pulled Ming to stand up again and punched Ming again. "That's for scaring the shit out of Kit!" 

He pulled Ming up the last time and Ming only looked at him. He stood there, slightly wavering on his feet. Beam gave him a solid punch to the abdomen, and Ming doubled over, curled up on the floor in pain. Forth whistled, "Princess, remind me to never, ever make you angry."

Beam toed Ming and said softly, deadly, "And that's from me, for making Forth worried, and dragging us out to deal with a completely unnecessary situation."

Beam sighed and took Forth's hand. "Boys, WE are leaving and I don't really give a rat's fucking ass what you do from this day forward. But if either of you do something unnecessary again, I'll be upset." He looked at Ming, still curled up on the floor. and toed him again. "By the way, you little shit, it wasn't Phana who tried to kill Kit. It was Kit trying to commit suicide because of whatever the fucking hell you did on your so called dinner date. So I guess it was really you who tried to kill him."

Tugging Forth along, he strode to the door and looking back at Wayo, those big tears still rolling down his face, on the couch.  Ming, curled in pain, laying on the floor crying deep aching sobs for what he'd lost. "Wipe your snotty noses, kiddies, remember that in the grand scheme of life, we are all young."

The closing of the door was the loudest and most final sound these sad lost boys ever heard.

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