So, Phana Knows?

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Wayo sat on the steps of the auditorium, waiting for Ming to finish. He was still fuming about that rude girl. After all the bullying in High School, it was better to be ambiguous with his looks. He knew it probably would be okay to be openly gay, but he wasn't taking chances.

The street lights showed a tall shadow approaching and he stood, brushing his pants clean. Ming was fastidious about his car. Turning, he spoke without looking, "It's about time you showed, I'm tired... "

Phana looked at the boy in front of him. He was quite tall, only about 20 cm shorter than him, not the 40 cm that he remembered. His face was beautiful: clear, pale skin with nice shaped dark eyebrows over clear, piercing eyes. But the most startling part was the shape of his face, it was as if it came straight out of a manga comic, with such a pointy little chin.

"What do you want?" Wayo, who's natural defense was rudeness, snapped out.

Phana smiled slowly, "Out of all of the competitors, you're the only one I've not yet met personally. I'd be remiss in my mentoring duties if I didn't do that before tomorrow."

"Don't need any help, thanks." Wayo went to walk away, and Phana reached out and grabbed his arm. Both of them felt the sparks from that simple touch. Yo immediately stopped and shot Phana a glare. "Do you mind?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do." Phana replied. "You see, I've a mystery to solve." He sat down, still not letting go of Wayo's arm. In doing so, he pulled the younger boy down to sit.

Ming spotted the two of them talking and flashed Yo a 'thumbs up', indicated to him to call him later and left him. Wayo swore silently at that fucker, for leaving him with Phana.

"Oh?" refusing to give anything away.

"Yes," said Phana, "I do. You see, back in High School, there was this boy who followed me around. He was small, with spots and wore glasses. He was bullied badly and in my last year, he confessed to me." Phana paused there and looked sideways at Wayo who's expression had not changed at all.

He continued, "I liked the boy, I did, so I used to keep the bullies away. I never wanted him to know that I did that. I just wanted him to have a better life." Phana sighed. "I never knew how much I'd miss that kid." He streched his long legs out in front of him and continued. "I got such a bad reputation from beating up his bullies, but it was so much fun. It gave me an outlet for all those pent up feelings, those emotions I didn't know how to deal with any other way."

Wayo just listened, not knowing how to deal with this. He needed time to asborb what Phana was saying. Should he tell Phana the truth? No, he couldn't. It was better to stay silent.

Phana continued, "You've confused me from the first time I saw you talking with Beam, you know. How did you know Beam? Why did you talk to Kit as well? Kit had a reason, a good reason. You live in the same dorm, even on the same floor. Beam? Actually, I could understand because I saw how Forth looked at you. Jealousy."

Sighing, Phana continued, "There was one problem with the jealousy theory. Beam and Forth's relationship never changed, and Forth denied ever cheating on Beam. So why did both Beam and Kit work so hard to keep me away from you, Wayo?" He turned and looked directly at him and tapped his glasses. "It never occured to me that you wore contacts, until I saw these, tonight."

"You're damn smart, Wayo, for hiding right under my nose. For convincing my best friends in the world to not tell me you are attending the same university." He sighed again, "Best of all, did you have a good laugh, watching me suffer trying to figure out who you were?"

Wayo stood up at and looked at Phana. Why was he playing at being hurt? He wasn't the one who was rejected! "Fuck you, Phana! I was the one who had the courage to confess and I was the one rejected. I owe you nothing. NOTHING."

Phana stood and said, "Wayo, you misunderstood! I'm not finished... "

"Yes, you are." He turned and walked off. "What is it with people who don't know how to talk today. Fuck this!" He wouldn't turn back to look at Phana, standing there watching him walk away, with a tear slowly roll down each cheek.

The Moon and Star competition went the way Giri had predicted. Ming won the Moon of the Year by a landslide, but at the last moment someone gave Wayo a huge amount of roses thereby he won Most Popular Moon. He was still in shock. So shocked, he didn't even pay attention to who won the other moon title or the stars... well, for a gay man, did he have to know the stars?

He did feel kind of sorry for Ming, his school life for the next year would be hell from what Giri had told him. There would be pictures, promotions and tons of other extra activities. Not to mention all that extra attention from people! Wayo shivered, he wasn't looking forward to it at all.

"Ming," He yelled, "Where are you going?"

"See you around, Yo. I've a bet to take care of!" Ming called back, proudly wearing his sash. With a wave and his trademark wink, he disappeared. Wayo swore, now how was he going to get all these damn roses to his dorm room? Beam and Forth showed up to congratulate him, and Wayo looked at them pleadingly.

"Can you help me?" Wayo gave his best puppy eyes.

Forth laughed, patting his head. "Sorry, little one. We can't. We came by motorcycle."

Beam sighed, and gave Forth a look. "Phana drove. Do you want us to ask him?"

Yo sank down and sighed, "No, I'll figure it out somehow." His papa was rich. If he needed to call Daddy for help, well, once in a while was okay, wasn't it?

Phana appeared as if by magic and started to gather roses, handing a bunch to Forth, some to Beam. "Please put them in my trunk. Beam, you remember the code?"

Beam nodded and Forth followed, while Wayo was protesting to Phana. Phana bent down close to Yo's ear and whispered, "If you don't shut up, I'll kiss you here. And not on the cheek."

Wayo flushed and shut up. He slowly removed the rest of the stage makeup and helped Forth, Beam and Phana finish gathering up the roses.

Beam looked at Wayo, "Do you want us to help you unload?" Forth, meanwhile was looking at Phana, who couldn't take his eyes off of Yo. He nudged Beam and whispered, "See?"

Beam only sighed and tugged Phana aside. "If you hurt Wayo again, I will have Forth kill you."

Pha only nodded. Right now, in the midst of all craziness his life was, there was two constants: medicine and Wayo. He needed them both. Beam was with Forth and if Forth was right, Kit would be gone soon.

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