A Bet's a Bet, Kit

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Kit snarled when Ming showed up in front of him wearing that damn sash. Across the white background in vivid navy letters proclaimed him "Moon of the Year." Kit felt like tearing it off him and stomping on it.

Ming could read every emotion running over Kit's face. Anger, frustration, hesitation... even desire was in there but his KitKat would deny that forever, if he had his way. Ming knew he would have to be careful now not to scare him away. The trick was to keep him angry enough not to think but just angry enough to act on emotion alone. He could think when he calmed down and was alone...

Ming put his biggest grin, opened his eyes wide and walked over to Kit, and said, "A bet is a bet, KitKat! Let's go!" He put his arm through the reluctant Kit and dragged him through the door.

Kit tried hard to drag his heels, "Hey listen, Ming! Can't you hear? I'm saying I'm not dressed properly."

Ming was relentless. He put Kit into his car, and once Kit was buckled in, he looked over and as close as he could, said softly, "Shall I take you to your dorm room to change?" He wiggled his eyebrows, indicating he would thoroughly enjoy the trip and Kit flushed.

"No, let's just get this over with." Kit said, sinking lower in the seat as his face flamed.

Ming chuckled delightedly, thinking how much fun he was going to have tonight. The restaurant they had agreed upon several weeks ago if the whole university agreed that Ming was the most "handsome", was a very fancy one, with private booths. Ming knew, that Kit did not know who his family was, that he really didn't remember him from school and that was fine. Boys didn't pay attention to pedigree like girls did.

There was a reason Ming and Wayo were friends, both had grown up in rich families with huge targets painted on their backs. Wayo's father had taken different steps than Ming's family. Ming's father had made him blend into the middle classes, while Wayo's father surrounded him with bodyguards and servants. Ming had successfully managed to hide his wealth, Wayo stood out like all really rich kids.

Tonight, Ming was going to woo Kit with his money. Money was good for some things, like courting.

Kit looked at Ming and said, "Can't you take that damn thing off? I know you won."

Ming smiled gently, "For my date, of course I can." He slipped the sash off, making sure to pull the dress shirt tight across his chest muscles.The buttons were in danger of popping off and Kit's eyes were in danger of popping out.

Kit thought, "My god, am I going to spend the whole damn evening blushing? Fucking hell..." ..." He had honour though, he had always prided himself on it. There was no way that this shit could have won the moon contest, look who won last year! If you compared him to Phana, it was comparing apples to oranges. Even Forth was better looking, in his opinion, so was Beam. Damn his smart mouth, it always got him into trouble!

Ming parked the car and got out jauntily. He opened Kit's door and with a smile, he offered his hand. To the best of his ability, he would be a perfect gentleman. He did have excellent manners, when he choose to use them. "Shall we?"

Kit snorted, brushed his hand aside and swung his legs out. Standing, he looked up at Ming and said, "Lead the way."

"Oh no, my little man," Ming replied, linking his arm again. "I don't trust you to bolt. You look scared to death." He smiled gently down at the small man, who was gritting his teeth, angry that Ming understood, and followed, planning all sorts of evil things to do later.

In the elevator, on the way to the top floor, Ming slipped his arm around Kit and slid him as close as he could. Kit's eyes popped wide, and he gasped, feeling heat singe his side. It almost burned.

Ming bent down and let his warm breath blow over his ear as he whispered, "Kit, I'm trying to be good here, but the more you try to escape, the more I want to be very, very good to you. Understand?" He slid his hand to Kit's lower back and drew small circles where the other patrons could not see.

Kit stood stiffly in his arm, trying not to react. He gave a small nod, wondering what hell he found himself in, wondering 'why me?' Aloud he said, "It's dinner, Ming. You understand?"

"Perfectly." Ming said, happily.

Kit wondered why he was happy about having dinner with him. He asked Pha about this restaurant and all he'd said was, "good food". Beam laughed and said, "Great date restaurant." whatever the hell that meant. Kit, out of the three men, had the least experience dating. Oh, some back in high school, but then he'd developed that damn crush and really, nobody met Beam's standards.

The elevator doors opened and Kit's mouth dropped open. The restaurant was dimly lit, with private spaces and discreet waiters. Huge windows offered great views of the city no matter where you were seated and the tables were placed so there was no chance of being overheard, nor overseen.

The Maitre D approached and Ming, holding Kit's waist, gave his name. "This way, sir" and led them to a quiet booth. He looked at them and said, "A waiter will be with you shortly." Nodding, he left.

Kit looked at Ming and hissed, "You fucker! You knew what type of restaurant this was! I thought you were taking me out for noodles!"

Ming looked at him curiously, "Why would you think that? I've made no secret that I want to know you, Kit. How better to know you than over a good meal?"

Kit snarled, feeling trapped. Yes, trapped like a rabbit waiting to become a meal for a hungry dog. "I hate you!"

"Perhaps you do," Ming said casually, "But I don't think so."

"Confident fucker, aren't you?"

Ming laughed at the nasty look Kit wore. The more time he spent, the more he wanted to see. "Kit, I think you hide too much. Let's see who you are in daylight, hmm?"

"Fuck you!"

"Uhhh, excuse me?" The waiter hesitated to interrupt, hearing such vulgar language. He looked at Ming and his eyebrows rose. Oh, how delightful, this little one didn't seem to want such deliciousness, so later, he would try.

Ming nodded and said it was okay. He ordered for both Kit and himself and didn't skimp on portions. He had done research, asking Beam what types of food Kit liked so he could do this. Kit just sat there, thinking.

So far, Kit realized, Ming hadn't DONE anything wrong. He was a gentleman. He had treated him nicely, even if he was treating exactly as a girl. Then again, if this was a date, how did two guys date? Kit never really thought about it but wouldn't one guy have to take a lesser role, not necessarily a feminine role?

Kit realized that he did have hang ups. It all stemmed from his size, actually. Men assumed he was gay because he was small and delicate and girls did too. But what did that have to do with anything? Small men were just as manly. A pretty face didn't automatically make a guy gay... but then he fell for Beam.

Kit ate on automatic pilot, allowing Ming to feed him when he wanted. He now had too many thoughts in his head. Even his usual sharp comebacks were gone.

Ming was worried. Did he notice that idiotic waiter flirting with him? Now what was he supposed to do?

Dessert was chocolate ganache cake, which was, according to Beam, Kit's ultimate dessert. Ming fed a whole piece to Kit who didn't even seem to notice the luxurious dessert until Ming leaned next to him and whispered, "Can I feed you my lips next?"

Just then, that damn waiter appeared and asked if there was anything else needed, and Ming snapped, "No." He stood up, and held Kit's hand tightly. Looking directly at him, said "We are leaving."

Kit sighed and leaned into him, "Thank god."

Ming held him tightly and guided him out. "I'll take you home."

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