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Happy reading lovies!!!

This book deals with sexual harassment and euthanasia (mercy killing)

Hey!! It's so nice to meet you!! (Literally) Clanty here,, I am a lover of loud hearty laughs,, road trips,,, long walks at the beach,, watching the sunset and eating chips and ice cream alot.

I'm in love with free spirited people, kind and compassionate people and people who can stand up for themselves. I spend quarter of my day reading novels, watching YouTube videos, playing fashion empire (for those who don't know it is a fashion game,, because I wanna own my fashion empire Niara's Empire)and binge watching Netflix because I wanna be an actress.
P. S. S. I'm an introvert.

We all know we are living in the 'pandemic era' so I have a lot of free time to waste, so I thought of spending it well and I decided to write this book. I have always loved literature and reading novels.

If the updates are late it's mainly because I have writer's block or I am procrastinating and being lazy like a cow, some days I am a couch potato, so please bear with me.

Venomous love. Copyright © September 2020.All rights reserved.Niara Nthoki.


Clanty x.

Venomous loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora