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Happy reading lovelies!!!

"Milton told me what happened."

I should have guessed something was up. "Whatever happened is none of your business. " I tried to keep my answer as simple as possible.

"Why don't you want to attend college and make a life for yourself? " I didn't expect him to ask me something like that.
"I just don't want to."

"Why? "

"Again that does not concern you."

"It does because you are my friend. "

"Friends? " I chuckled loudly. Leo and I friends. How funny!!

"I'm tryna be serious. " Leo said with heaviness in his voice.
"Let me refresh your memory Leo, you stopped being my friend an ago."

"You gotta be kidding me Ivanna. I'm not your friend then what are we. " Leo asked as he shifted and sat in front of me forcing me to look straight into his eyes.

"I repeat we are not friends. I only talk to you out of courtesy. I cannot go back to the past to the time where I didn't know you. "

"I thought we were friends. " His eyes were glued to me and his eyes had pain. "I was forced to talk to you because of Milton, now I'm not obligated to talk to you. "

"What about all the times you sneaked into my room most of the night? There was I time you used to tell me everything. Right now I'm no better than a stranger to you. "

I moved back I did not feel comfortable being very close to him.

"There is no need for us reminiscing. The past is the past because that's why it should be. "

"Allow me to be your friend again. " Leo told me.
"We are not friends and I don't want you to be my friend anymore. We should stay at acquaintances. "I said as I stood up ready to go.

It is better if I keep my distance from Milton and his group of friends.

" I'm not done talking to you."
Leo grabbed my shoulders.
"But I'm done so let me go. "
"Why can't we have a decent conversation without you walking away from me?"

"We are all trying to help you but you just won't let us. Nobody wants to see you throw your life away because of the bad decisions you made in your teen years. " Leo uttered.

"Just because I don't want to go to college that doesn't mean that I'm throwing my life away. what's your definition of success? Being a teacher, doctor, surgeon, psychologist, businesswoman, lawyer?"I said angrily I was tired of these stupid monkeys trying to tell me what I need to do.

"You need to understand that you can't live the rest of your life under the charity of your father.
The money he will leave you will last for a lifetime. "
There he goes again thinking I'm a rich spoilt brat who doesn't want to raise a finger in her life.

"I'm tired of trying to explain myself to all of you. Why can't you just let me live my life the way I want to. "

"I don't want to spend the rest of my life behind a desk. Why can't all of you understand that I don't want to plan my life out only for it to go haywire in a second? I know what I will like right now is not what I would like to do for the next five years."I stared at the ceiling to prevent my tears from falling.

"I know if I Choose a career right now I will end up unhappy with my life. I just don't want to do the same thing for the rest of my life. Why can't you just understand that we are different?"

"I understand what you mean but I think your approach is wrong. " Leo said and he finally let go of me. I took a step backward to increase the distance between us.

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