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Happy reading lovelies!! 😗💖❤

Sometimes, I felt like dying, I had nothing to live for. My life meant nothing to me, the people close to me ended up disappointing me in one way or the other. I lost all faith in Mommy when she cheated on Dad with Henry when I was seven years old and five years later they got married. I put up with her because that was the last thing Dad wanted me to do before he got locked up.

Our family was wrecked when Dad refused to fight and gave in to mommy's foolish demands and as the result, he ended up in prison for a crime he did not commit.  Lenny was only seventeen when he left home and started living in New York, he abandoned me when I needed him the most, he left me all alone with mommy and Henry. Dad was in prison and Laury was in Paris. Lenny promised me he would eventually come back but he didn't instead he built his own family in New York, he was only nineteen when he had his first daughter with his girlfriend.

Every time I called him he told me he would return but that never happened. In the last five years, I had only seen him six times, unlike Lauren who visited him in New York. He came home for the holidays and only stayed for two to three days. Last year, I got lucky and saw him twice because of his wedding. It was a grand wedding with a lot of guests and it was a happy occasion for the family, the first one in years. Milton was my plus one to Lenny's and Alexa's wedding and back then I thought he would be my only love, how wrong I was.

I talked to Lenny over the phone but it was hardly the way it used to be. I couldn't blame him for not wanting to come back home, I understood his resentment towards our mother.
Dad told me Lenny visited him occasionally but whenever he came to visit him he never bothered to tell us he was around.

I was lonely and I was searching for my happiness. I thought Milton was my happiness but he wasn't because when I was with him I never felt complete but I was a little bit happy with him.

It was everyone's dream at school to go to homecoming with their high school sweetheart then take pictures and make a yearbook with their friends but I wasn't feeling homecoming or yearbooks. Yearbooks were to capture the happy moments and I had no happy moments in highschool even the happy ones turned sad with time.

I wasn't going to homecoming, I would just help Jenny and Mia pick their dresses and I would spend the night watching TV or sleeping.

"Hey." Mia greeted me as we walked down the hallway with a broad smile. She was always the bubbly and fun one but also the straightforward and judgemental one but I loved her anyway.

She looked stunning as always, in a white long-sleeved off-shoulder top. Her top was tucked in a black leather skirt and she wore white sneakers. Her hair was tied up in a clean ponytail, her hair was originally black but she dyed it blonde when we were in the tenth grade because of the misconception people have about blondes getting special attention in the modeling world.

It was her habit to violate the school's dress code, her skirt was way above knee length which was the shortest length the school would allow.

Hey." I replied with a not so enthusiastic tone as hers.

"Since you refused to come to homecoming and watch me get crowned as homecoming queen, would you get me a dress from your mom's boutique?"

"You know very well I can't do that."

"Her boutique is the classiest in Malibu, we can skip classes and go and get the dress."

"It's so unlike you to wait until the last moment to chose a dress.
Just wear one of the dresses we bought the other day." I said.

"None of them is Coronation worthy," Mia whined.

"You're not the Queen of England, just wear one of the dresses we bought."

"How hard can it be to just get a dress from your mother's boutique? Just agree to help me."

She was right mommy's boutique had nice stuff and she would not
refuse to give as a dress but I was trying my best to avoid her, it wouldn't be a good idea to go to a boutique especially during school hours. But I had a better idea, it was Tommy's tendency of giving me elegant dresses to wear every time she had a party but I never wore them, it would be better if I gave one to Mia then the dresses would be of some use.

"Fine, we would skip classes after lunch and we would go to my place and you can take one of my dresses."  I finally gave in to her demands, the bright side was I would get to skip school.

It was already lunch break and Jenny dragged me to the gym to check if it was decorated to her liking. The ice and fire idea was the best idea out of all the ideas.
The gym was decorated in red and blue lights and there were bar stands at the side which would only serve non-alcoholic drinks but the after-party would have alcohol.

I was awestruck. "I never doubted your party planning skills, this place looks amazing," I commented.

"I don't fail to deliver," Jenny smirked.

"Your cocky ass always ruins everything." I joked.

We chatted for a while before I bid her goodbye. I suggested she comes over to my place and help chose a dress for Mia but she refused because she could not afford to ruin her perfect attendance.

We drove to my place in my car and after some minutes we were there. The school wasn't that far from my place. I hoped that nobody was home other than the employees or I'd be grounded again.

I pulled in the driveway and seconds later we walked into the house. Luckily, Henry was at the advertising company, which he forced his way into with the help of mommy and mommy was at her boutique. It was really helpful that Dad's lawyer was a graduate and took the post of CEO in the wine company. Unfortunately,  he couldn't do the same in the advertising company and Henry ended being the CEO.

"Let's find you something decent to wear," I said as we climbed the stairs heading to my room.

(A picture of how the gym looked like)

Author's note

I would like to thank those who take their time to comment and vote it means the world to me and it makes my day and also thanks to the silent readers.

Did you ever think Ivanna's mother and Henry were having an affair?

Question of the day: what career do you want to do?

Uhhh, my career you ask?
I want to be a scriptwriter but
If that doesn't work for me at least I will still have my passion which is the law. I want to become a lawyer because I'd like to help all those people who have been denied justice.

I want to help those people who have been mistreated by the law. Plus I am very argumentative and I don't like to lose in my arguments so I can put those skills to better use.

Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked the chapter.


Clanty x.

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