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Happy reading lovies!! 💖

Leo's POV.

Ivanna has been ignoring me  since Monday,whenever she sees me she just turns around and takes another path or just hides.
I have to talk to her and I cannot do that at school because she is an expert at avoiding people.

She hates it when I use the window to get inside her house but that's the only way I can get in, her mother hates my guts she would never let me in. And here I am again trying to get in through the window.

All the employees have strict rules not to let me in.I only get lucky when Lauren and Henry are around. It takes a lot of convincing for Lauren to let me in but she lets me in eventually.

I had to apologize to her. My apology was two years late but better late than never. It was around 9 and her mother was home so I had no other choice but to get in through the window.

I climbed the trellis but to my disappointment  the window was locked. This was a first she never locked her window. I took out my phone and texted her. I was hoping she read my message and she would open the window.

I heard her mutter a curse,she read my message.

"Go away!"

"I'm not going anywhere until I talk to you." I replied back.

"You better get your ass out of here or I will call for help. " I have come all this way I cannot just leave without talking to her.
Time for plan B, I should have gone with plan B  it was more easier and full proof.

I took out my phone and started going through my contact list when I found the contact I was looking for I pressed the call button.

"This better be important." Lauren said when she picked up the phone. I would have called Henry he could have let me in easily but I couldn't he was with his wife and she would protest.
Lauren was my remaining option.

"Always polite. " I snickered. "I need you to let me in, I promise I'll be real quick. " I added.

"If Ivanna won't let you in, why should I? "

"Just let me in, nobody will  know I'm in the house." Hope she opens the door for me, I really wanna talk to Ivanna.

"I'm gonna let you in on one condition. "

"And that's? "

"She should not yell. " That's difficult but not impossible. I can only imagine how angry she would be when she sees me.

"Done." I answered immediately.

"You owe me. " She Said before she hang up. That was easier than I thought, it usually took a lot more pleading.

I quickly came off the trellis. If Lauren opened the door and I'm not there she will not wait for me.

I arrived at the front door at time,she opened the door and I got in. "You better hurry up and make sure nobody sees you." Lauren said before she started going up the stairs.

"You coming?" Lauren asked when she had climbed a few stairs. I did not answer her I just followed her. Based on my experience and encounters with Lauren I could say she was a nice person and that's why I couldn't get why she never got along with Ivanna.

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