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"Excuse me, have you seen Milton?"

"No," Harvey replied and I just walked away and left him doing whatever he was doing which looked like dancing. He was a pretty bad dancer he just didn't know it and none of his friends cared to tell him.

I was already tired of searching for Milton. I had asked almost everybody at the party but all I got was, "sorry we have not seen him." If Milton was gonna bring me to this party at least he could have had the decency to tell me when and where he was going. Why desert me in a freaking party and he knows how I hate parties or any social gathering for that matter.

I swear the minute I lay my hands on you Milton Cooper you are a dead man.

"Excuse me, by any chance have you seen Milton?" I asked Jake displaying the very best radiant fake smile I can afford.

"Uhh," I could see right through him and I could sense that he was completely nervous.  "Jake, what's up with you since when did you become a stammerer. Just tell me where your friend is!" The shouting was intentional because I knew he would react and tell me where Milton was.

"Ivanna, you do know that coop loves you... "
"What the hell is wrong with you Jake? When did you develop this new attitude?" I asked.
I could sense there was tension between us and it couldn't be because he was drunk because I could not smell any alcohol on him.

It wasn't like him to talk to me nicely. Our relationship was full of sarcasm and insults, never had he talked to me in such a nice way. Plus I had to put up with him because he was more than a brother to Milton and he always dragged him with us on every single date we went.

Jake was always the third wheel which I detested with my whole being and I had to put up with him for the last two years.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? I know you know where Milton is so tell me where he is right now and end this discussion because I'm sure none of us wants to talk to each other."

"I think I saw him heading towards the parking lot." Jake answered. Somebody just needed to glance at him once and he or she could know something was up with him. Maybe it was the way he was sweating and also the way he was pinching his nose and he only did that when he was nervous and hiding something.

I walked away from him without saying anything else because my heart was racing. I knew something was up.

What made Jake change his attitude towards me? I pushed whatever nonsense was going through my mind and decided to concentrate on finding Milton. I was already outside the house and all I could see was some people making at the porch and others were lying around the swimming pool.

I was making very large strides towards the parking lot. I could only pray that whatever was going through my mind wasn't true. At a far distance, I spotted his black SUV, so I increased my pace.

As I came near the car I could hear some moaning sounds. No! Ivanna! You better stay positive. Positivity. Positivity.

"Milton!" Milton could not do this to me. He loved me and I loved him. I froze on the spot. Milton was mine and I was his. Every breath he took was for me and vice versa.

Then how could he cheat on me? I was filled with anger and I immediately tried opening the door ready to pull out every single hair on that bitches head. Obviously the door was locked from the inside, I aggressively banged on the window.
I was on the brink of tears, could he cheat on me after everything?

"What the actual fuck Ivanna?"
"Lauren?" I was perplexed.

Tears streamed down my face after seeing my sister making out with  my boyfriend. As long as I could remember Milton and Lauren never got a long so this was more than weird or were they pretending so they could bone each other in secret.

"Do you always have to be such a buzz kill?" Lauren said as she stepped out of the car, Milton followed suit. I couldn't control myself I lifted my hand to slap her but my hand was stopped mid air by my so called boyfriend. This night just got more weirder.

"Let go of my hand you asshole." I screamed.
"Why though?" I could not stop myself from asking.

"You couldn't give him what he needed. He had to look elsewhere to get what you didn't give him. After all, I have always been better than you in everything, so this shouldn't surprise you. "Lauren said as she rolled her eyes, that was her specialty. She reeked of alcohol and could not even stand straight.

I just needed to get away from the two of them. They just betrayed me and they didn't even have the decency to apologize. They just stood there as they did me a favor.

My vision was already blurred. Every part of my body was aching, who knew a heartbreak hurt like this. I just started walking away not even knowing where I was going.

All over a sudden, a pair of very big firm hands grabbed my waist and I was turned and my head met with a familiar chest. I lifted my head and my brown eyes met with Milton's hazel ones.

A war of emotions was raging inside of me. I wanted to pull away from him but he was my weakness. I loved everything about him especially his lavender scent. It was so breathtaking.

I stared straight into his eyes looking for some sort of emotion but there was nothing, he did not even show any guilt, there was no sign of regret in him. "Please, Iva. I love you. This was just an accident." His voice pulled me out of my ocean of thoughts and back to reality.

To reality, the reality that Milton cheated on me. I was too weak to pull out of his grip. Lauren was leaning on Milton's car and was on her phone I guess she didn't care whether she hurt me or not. Maybe the alcohol prevented her from thinking straight.

"If you love me let go of me right now. I'm not in the place to listen to you or think straight. You cheated on me, Milton. you broke our trust."

Milton listened to me and he let go of me. "Please, promise me you won't do anything to yourself. you won't hurt yourself." Milton said. I just walked away but this time I started going towards the house where the party was at least he didn't follow me. I checked my wristwatch and it was already midnight.

I couldn't go back home because if I did I would only get hurt more because my mother always supports Lauren and she will blame me. For some reason she hated me, how could a mother hate her own offspring? So I had no other option but to go back to the party and stay there until I was in a position to think straight.

I headed to the swimming pool, I sat down, removed my shoes, and kept my legs in the water. I was so hurt.

"Hey," Jake said and sat down beside me. He placed his hand on my shoulder. He was the last person I expected to try to comfort me. This only meant he knew the truth and never bothered to tell me but I could not blame him, I was never friendly with him.

Hey guys!!! so that was the first chapter I don't know if you guys loved it or not. But I hope for the best. I know the chapter was a little slow but I hope you liked the chapter.

I was building the storyline. Now all of you know Ivanna, Milton, Jake, and Lauren. Also, you know there is a sister rivalry between Ivanna and Lauren. As the story goes on you will all understand the reason for their rift. Heads up it's not because of Milton.

Question of the day: Have you ever been cheated on or have you ever cheated on somebody??

I never experienced that but I have seen people go through that and it's so heartbreaking and very painful.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I would appreciate it a lot if you vote, comment, and share.


Clanty x.

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