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Happy reading lovies!!

"What the fuck are you doing here? "

"Relax, babydoll, I don't bite. "

"Why would you come to my room in the middle of the night?who does that? "I asked furiously.

"Again baby, I'm not like everybody.I'm the best. " There
he goes with his massive ego.

"Leo, how the hell did you
get in here. "
"You dumb?Through the window." Leo said as if it was
basic nature for people to get
Inside houses using windows.

"ooh, that's so obvious. Why use the door while you have the window open.Congratulations for your amazing discovery Leo." I said sarcastically.

I hate his attitude, I don't even know why I still talk to him.
His eyes met with mine for a
brief moment before they trailed
down my body.

Shit. I forgot I was just in a
towel. I averted my gaze to his eyes. His eyes darkened when our eyes locked.I didn't even notice he was bitting his bottom
lip. His eyes didn't burge and I
started feeling self-conscious.

Leo always made it is job to
tell me constantly that I was
never attractive to him. God,
knows what was going on in
his mind.He started walking towards me, I held on to my towel.

He can't do anything to you. He is
your friend.

A friend who is a complete slut
and sleeps with everything in a

I had many thoughts in my
mind. After my dad left, I
developed a tendency of fearing
men whenever they tried coming
towards me especially middle-aged men.

I always have anxiety and I
tend to overthink issues.
Leo wasn't a middle-aged man
but he had experience of a 50
year old.

If Barney Stinson from how I
met your mother had a son
then he would be Leo.
They had the same tactics of
luring girls to bed with them.
They would be together at night
and he would be gone before
the sun rises.

I was so scared what if he does
something to me. I was shaking,
afraid he might do something.
With every step he took forward, I took two backwards.

"Relax, babydoll, I was just
taking this. " He said as he
stopped at the table and took
a bottle of wine.

I realised the breath I was holding. I was just getting
Paranoid for no reason.
"Princess, I don't like you in
that way, I don't find you
attractive or anything. "
Leo prolonged the word attractive for some reason.He opened the wine bottle and drank from it.

"If you love yourself don't you
dare and I repeat don't you dare
ever call me princess if you
still want to be able to breath
Leonardo. " I muttered.I
detested being called a princess,
the thought of the word
infuriated me.

Leonardo looked shocked.
"You have only called me
Leonardo once for the past three
years and I have known you for
three years. You called me
Leonardo when we first met."

He was right I never even
called him Leonardo when I
was mad crazy at him.

"Never call me princess again. " I
"Okay, I won't call you that
again. " He put his hand in the
air to show that he has surrendered.

"Mmmh,expensive wine tests
better than cheap wine. "Leo says.

I have had it with you. You
just can't burge into my
room and make it your territory.
I walked towards Leo and snatched the bottle from him.

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