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Happy reading lovelies!!!


I turned off the oven and cook the pineapple pie out as I continued dancing and singing in the kitchen. I love Sundays because I get to visit the children in the orphanage and spent time with them. Sunday is the best day.

"There are other people in the house not only you. " The disembodied voice said. I know that voice very well. Henry.

"People who are not supposed to be here. " I said as I took my pie and a fork and excused myself heading to my room. I was just waiting for nanny Carlotta so we can go to the foundation.

Nobody was going to ruin my perfect day, not even Henry.
My phone rang and nanny's name popped up. "Hey. where are you? We are getting late. " I said into the phone.

"I'm sorry I can't make it. Something important came up and I have to attend it. " Nanny said. I will have to go all alone. What a bummer.

"It's okay I'll just take Mary. Although it will not be the same without you. " I said with a flat voice. "I'll see you when I get back. " Nanny said as she hung up the phone.

It took us an hour to arrive at the orphanage only because mommy did not give me my car back. She told me to go with her driver and he drives slowly.

We got out of the car and we started taking everything out, a good thing my mother still gave Nanny the money to buy the things which were supposed to be donated and also the money.

Mary and Edward donated to the orphanage keepers. Some of the children were playing with each other and others were just sitting around talking to each other. They looked like they did not worry about life.

After a while, we started distributing the toys we brought to the orphanage. The children in the orphanage are hurt more by the visitors who come once and never come back. If people are always visiting them and promise they will be visiting more often and they never return makes them think that they are worth nothing and people leave them any time.

That's why this specific orphanage doesn't allow any of the tourists to meet the children because children are not a tourist attraction.

I remember the first day my father brought me here I was only 5 and I did not want to come but he forced me to accompany him. "When people visit orphanages they don't realize that they are supporting a system that harms children. " Dad told me these exact words the first time I visited the orphanage.

He told me if I visit once I  should keep visiting the orphanage as long as I can. We came to the orphanage every Sunday until I was eleven. Lauren stopped coming to the orphanage with me when she came back from Paris.

I started drawing at a very young age and when I was 11 dads told me to start teaching the children art and after a lot of persistence, I agreed, and up to date that was the best decision I ever took.

Lauren used to teach them how to dance and sing but ever since she returned from France she stopped coming with me.

After we finished our usual drawing section we sat down to have our lunch. Since the children were a lot we were not able to cook for them Mary had to order from a restaurant.

"Ivanna, why didn't you visit us last Sunday??" Cassie one of the children asked. "I had some work to do. " I answered. Work which involved me crying and sobbing all day.

I keep my head down and continue scrolling down my phone. I don't want any more questions regarding why I didn't visit them last Sunday. I notice a shadow loom over me, raise my head to only to see a stupid Leo grinning down at me.

"W.what on God's name are you doing here? "

"I told you I was gonna come. " He smiles at me.

Why would he come here when I told him not to."You cannot throw me out of here, this is not one of your dad's property, I'm gonna stay here for as long as I want. "Leo said.

"Don't move smartass but I'm gonna go. "I said.

" Is this your boyfriend? "One of the children asked.
"How you wish. " Leo smirked.
"Only in my nightmares. " I smirked back at me.

"He is not my boyfriend. " I told the child. "Do you have a crush on him? Because if you don't I am available. " The child added

"No no no no no no no-no-no. "
I shook my head. "Seriously, am I that bad looking? You just broke my heart unicorn. " Leo said sarcastically.

"And he is almost 10 years older than you. " I told the child.
"He is so hot."
"He may be right now but if he gets old he would look worse than Deadpool. " I told her.

"Hey! I'm gonna still look hot in my sixties. " Leo said.

"In your dreams. "

The little girl who looked 7 flirted with Leo for some time before she left to go and play with the other children. I looked at Leo who had a very large smile on his face.

Who knew he was fond of children. Just looking at them play made him so happy. If I had it my way I would have bid the children and left but I had to wait for Mary and Edward.

We stood next to each other without any of us saying anything. I preferred not talking to him, it was much better when he didn't talk.

"Would you like to have children? " Leo inquired.

"W.what? " I stuttered.

"Do you want to have children? "
He repeated his question.
"Uhh, I don't hate children that much so maybe I would want my own but only when I'm 30 or something. "

"What about you? "

"I would like to have like a gazillion. " He grinned.

"Well, that's something new. " I teased. "I'm serious after maybe 20 years of one night stands I would like to settle down and be a dad. " Leo answered.

"Good luck to you and your gazillion babies. "

That chapter was total crap. But I hope you guys read it, this chapter is very vital for the book so please just bear with it.

Hey guys!! I haven't updated in a week. I'm sorry for the late updates but now I'm back and I will try to update every day. Thanks to y'all for reading my book, I appreciate it a lot and it also means so much. Thank you for the 800reads.
I love y'all a lot💖💖💖

"Question of the day: What's your favorite app right now??.

TikTok! Tiktok! I've become obsessed with watching videos on TikTok and also YouTube. That explains the super late chapter. I'm sorry for the late update. But now I'm back with a new chapter. I hope I don't get distracted by Tiktok again.

Sneak peek: It's so late I'm writing half asleep and I'm so tired that I can't think of one.

Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked the chapter.


Clanty x.

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