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Happy reading lovies!! 💖

I was currently drinking coffee in the kitchen. I really needed it because last night I did not get any sleep. Coffee would keep me awake and sane for the rest of the day. Nobody was in the kitchen apart from me, which was good thing. I did not need want to argue with anyone in the morning.

I knew very well that my mother won't let me stay with my father but I just had to ignore her for her month, how hard can that be.
When she is more calmer, I can talk to her.

I just had to finish my coffee fast and go before Lauren came out of her room or anyone else. Speaking of the devil, Lauren walked into the kitchen and took an apple. She did not talk to me which was good, everybody would just minding their own business.

I drank my coffee in silence and she also ate her apple in silence.
If we could just stay like this forever without anybody getting in each other's throat. I finished my coffee and after I cleaned the mug, I took my phone from the coffee table ready to go.

"What's that?" She asked.

"ugh, what are you talking about? "

"The bruise on your stomach. " She said.

"I fell during cheer practice. " I said. I wore a crop top because I had forgotten that I had the bruise.

"Lying has never been your strong suit. " She uttered. I'm a better liar than her. "It doesn't concern you Lauren. " I added. I had to change again. I eyed lauren for one last time before I started walking away.

"You know mommy won't let you go and live with dad. " She finally spoke. That's what she wanted to say all this time. I knew mommy would just protest at first but I will definitely not stay here with her. It doesn't even make a difference if I'm in this house or not.

She only cares about Henry and Lauren a little bit but all her attention is saved for her husband. "I'm months away from turning eighteen so I can choose to stay with whoever I want. " I said.

"News flash, it's October and your birthday is in April. " She added.

No one speaks for seconds until
she finally speaks, "mommy has full custody of you so you're going nowhere and why would you even want to be around that man? " She said as she took a bite of her apple.

My mind is filled with all the answers she needs to hear to know the truth but I cannot tell her the truth. I promised my father I wouldn't tell her,he was the one to tell her the truth. I chose to say nothing and I left the kitchen.

"We need to celebrate. " Mia said in an undertone.

"Celebrate what? " I murmured.

"Your father's freedom and my win has the homecoming queen."
She answered in a low tone. She hasn't even won and she wants to celebrate. How cocky can she get?

Mrs Bennett,our biology teacher, continued blabbering on and on about something which I wasn't interested in.

"You haven't been crowned homecoming queen and my father is not out yet. We have no reason to celebrate." I told her and returned my gaze on my textbook. Biology was officially my worst class, Milton and Lauren were also in the class.

"But Ivanna," Mia persisted.

"Alright then. " I agreed, I know her celebrating involves shopping and buying a lot of designer clothes and shoes.I was tired of having to listen to Mia talk about all the clothes she wanted to buy. My other choice was to listen to Mr Bennett and I didn't want to listen to him so I just had to listen to Mia.

The bell rang,that took forever. I managed to get through a class with Milton and I did not even talk to him. I gathered my staff ready to leave the class as soon as possible. Good thing Mia wasn't in my next class I don't think I could handle another 45 minutes of hearing about Versace,Louis Vuitton, Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid.

My feet were hurting because of all the walking we did at the mall.I got into my bed room and I dropped all the shopping bags I was carrying to the floor and jumped on my bed. I had forgotten how hectic going shopping with Mia was.

She always makes us take a tour of the mall looking for the staff she wants to buy and on top of that Jenny is always complaining the all time.



Thanks for reading the chapter. I really appreciate it a lot and thank you to those who vote and comment. Your comments mean a lot to me.

Do you think that Ivanna's mother would let her stay with her father?
And most importantly do you want Ivanna to forgive Milton?
Let me know what you think in the comment section.

Question of the day:What's your favorite animal??

I'd like to say a unicorn but they ain't real so DOLPHINS are my favourite then followed by puppies. If only I could keep a Dolphin as a pet but I can't. *Crying face. *

Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked the chapter.


Clanty x.

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