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Happy reading lovies!! 😍💖❤

I went down the stairs and towards the kitchen where Nanny Carlotta was happily drinking her coffee.

I wish I could have the same level
Of peace in this house as her but I just can't.

"When are we leaving? " I asked as I pulled a stool to sit on.

"Somebody is in a good mood today."she said as she stood up to wash the mug she was using.She is OCD she just can't bear to see anything dirty.

"I'm done with my work we can leave right now if you're ready. " Nanny answered.

"I'll just grab my phone and we will go. " I answered enthusiastically. I couldn't wait to hear the good news that dad was talking about.

One hour later we were at the parking lot, the guards did the regular search on us and our car and we were allowed to proceed forward.

I tried to wake up Jenny and Mia before I left but they refused to wake up so I just left them sleeping. After all when they wake up they will not find anybody in the house except the employees unless Lauren bailed out on mommy and she decided to stay home.

If Lauren was indeed in the house, Mia would explode when they come in contact. But that was not my problem it was Jenny's because she would have to be the common ground between the two.

Minutes later we were at the reception, we filled the normal paperwork and they told us to wait for some minutes.

"You can now go and see your father. " The guard said.

I got into the room filled with men in the orange uniform which I dreaded to look at. I scanned the room and I finally met with my father's eyes.I walked up to him and sat on the chair on the other side of the glass and picked up the phone.

We were so close yet so far from each other.The glass between us separated the two of us for the past five years but the walls of this prison made a even bigger barrier between us.

Life is so unfair. My father didn't deserve to be locked up but still he was for a mistake he never made but he had to make the ultimate sacrifice for his children and yet Lauren blamed him without knowing the entire truth.

"I missed you Ivanna. How are you and how is Laury?" He inquired.

"Everybody is fine.I miss you and also Laury misses you. " I had no other choice but to lie to him. He asks the same question every time I visit him and he gets the same answer but he never fails to ask.

Lauren only met him once after she came from France and she never visited him again. I thought he would grow tired of asking but he never fails to ask.

I told him how my life was going, about Lauren, mommy and Henry. I just lied to him who wants to know that his family is a total wreck while in prison.

"So....what's the good news who were talking about? " I asked with a wide grin.

"I'm getting out. "He said in an ardent voice.

His words made me tear up. Those three little words meant so much to me.My life came to a stand still when he went to jail and Henry came into our life. Even though I knew Henry before it was so different having to live with him.

"But you were supposed to come out next year, what happened? "

"I got Parole. " He answered.

The news got me by surprise and I couldn't help but cry. I was crying profusely and I didn't care because they were tears of joy. At last I could get peace and get out of that house that hard so many bad memories.

"Everything is going to be okay. " Dad reassured me. For the first time in a long time I actually believed him.

"I love you Ivanna, " he added, "Lenny, Laury and you are the most important people in my life and it chips away at my soul that I haven't been there for you. From the second I step out of this prison I'm going to make sure I would be there for you for the rest of my life. " He promised.

When I told nanny Carlotta the news she was so delighted. My father was coming out from prison in the last week of November.In less than two months he would be free.

I was already at the house and I did not find Mia and Jenny but Mary told me Lauren was home.
I thought of telling Lauren the good news even though it would make no difference to her.

I was standing in front of her door and I was contemplating whether to knock or just let it be. I knocked on the door and seconds later she opened the door.

She sighed in disappointment, "it's you, what do you want?" She growled. She leaned on the door and crossed her arms.

"I just wanted to tell you that dad is coming out next month. "I told her.

"And how does that concern me?"

I knew she wouldn't care but that statement was way over the board. "Because he is your father. " I said with a 'duh' tone.

"It did not feel like he was one to me. "

"You choose to believe mommy and Henry and all the crap you heard when you came back, you know nothing of what happened and also you chose to believe the wrong people. " I said.

"Maybe I don't know what happened but before that he wasn't really a father to me but he was definitely one to you after all he loved you so much and he decided to give you his name." She uttered.

The same issue over and over. "Just because Our parents decided to give us all names that started with letter "L" and they gave me a name with the combination of both their names doesn't mean they loved me more, you need to grow up Lauren.We are not five anymore." I replied.

"Say all you want to say but we all know it's because of you that our family was ruined. " She told me.

I always knew she blamed me for everything and I'd be lying if I said I didn't blame her because that thought was always at the back of my mind whenever I saw her but I did not voice it out because I knew our dad was also to blame.

"You blame me because you know it was your fault. If you weren't so adamant to go to Paris then dad would have never met that doctor." I regretted the words as soon as they came out of my mouth. I said that out of the heat of the moment.

Lauren's face crumpled up into sadness and tears started falling off her eyes.I couldn't blame her
for what happened it was all mommy's, Henry's and dad's fault.

Before I could apologize she shut the door on my face.

Thank you for reading the chapter, I hope you enjoyed the
Chapter. Why do you think Ivanna's dad is in prison??
And how do you think Henry is connected to Ivanna's dad being in prison??

Question of the day?? What is your favourite colour/colours??

Mine is purple.

Love you guys!!❤❤❤I appreciate all my readers, thank you for coming this far. *blows kisses to all of you and wipes some exaggerated tears.*

Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked the chapter.


Clanty x.

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