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Happy reading lovies!!!

The bell rang and the other
students started coming in.
Milton got into the class and
started walking towards the back. Where does he think
he is going?Even when I am angry at him he still looked

His fashion sense was simple
but yet he was so attractive.
He sat in the seat next to me.
Why did he just think that his
ass was allowed to seat near me?


Do not pay any attention to
him.He is not even here.
"Ivanna, I'm talking to you. Don't pretend you don't hear me."
Don't look at him, if you do
you will fall weak.

"I'm not interested. "I replied without turning around.
" I'm sorry for what happened.
I didn't mean for it to happen,
it was just a mistake. "Milton told me.

I fail to understand how cheating on me was a mistake, did somebody hold him at gunpoint and ask him to cheat on me.
What a dickhead!!

"Good morning class. " Mr chambers got into the class and wrote something on the whiteboard, something I absolutely didn't care to look at.
I always hated chemistry not to say Mr chambers.

"Before, we start the class I'm going to give you the results of the test you did. " Mr chambers said with some papers in her hand. I forgot about the test, I was completely sure I failed the test, but no worries I'm not planning on doing anything related to chemistry.

Today was the first time I was really glad to see Mr chambers because he saved me from talking to Milton.I got my paper and I had a C plus.

C plus is better than an F. Shit!
This test will affect my final results and momma will get annoyed again. As usual Milton was on top of the class with an A plus. The bright side of his infidelity is that I won't have to listen to one of his rant and he wouldn't have to pull all nighters with him studying to improve my grades.

I was busy minding my own business but he just had to open his month and spit utter nonsense. "You need to improve on your grades or you will not have enough credits to graduate from high school."

"Whether I graduate from high school or not is none of your business. "

"It is my business because I care for you and I want you to accomplish something great in your life. " Milton said. He has such double standards. He cares for me and he still hurt me.

"You caring for me means you need to cheat on me?" I asked with a lot of pain, it hurt so much talking about his betrayal and Laury's.I could still feel the heaviness and pain I felt when I saw them.

"I'm sorry for that and it still hurts me that I hurt you but I..... " Milton wanted to finish his sentence but something held him back from finishing it. "You wanted to quench your thirst, right?" I asked.

" Cooper and Adams I need you to shut up or I will be forced to kick the both of you out of my class."

I couldn't care less if I was kicked out of class but I need to stay if I want to improve on my chemistry grades. He did help me study for my SATs and I actually got a score of 1140 which was way better than my first score which was 410.

After months of nagging from my mother and Henry I decided to take the exam. I did it during the my sophomore year and I was the only sophmore who took the exam and I failed terribly. Everybody was disappointed in me mainly because I used to care about my studies in middle school and I used to be a perfect student.

They expected me to do better but I even didn't try reading for the SATs and that's the main reason I scored that embarrassing score.
Mommy asked me to take the SATs again in the spring of my junior year and I adamantly refused but Milton convinced me to take it and he helped me to study for the exam again.

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