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Happy reading lovies!!! 😗💖❤

The bell rang ending my economics class. It was already lunchtime. My friends and I made our way to the cafeteria and we took our usual tables.

"Where are my earrings? " Jenny asked as she took a bite of her peanut and jelly sandwich.

"I did not find it. "

After Leo left I did not even bother looking for Jenny's earrings. "You hang up on me so rudely. What was up? Jenny asked.

Mia who was unusually quiet attacked me with a stream of questions when I told them what happened.

" Relax detective Mia, "I said, "He send me this text in the morning." I said as I showed them the message Leo send me.

Turns out he just came over to see me and he ran into one of Lauren's friends in the hallway and one thing led to another and they ended up in my hangout room. At least he  used the door.
That explains why the girl looked familiar.

"Birds of the same feather flock together. "Mia sneered.

"And what do you mean by that?"
I asked as a took a bite of my sandwich.

"You know what I mean. Hoes stick with other hoes and by that I mean Lauren and her squad of Barbie dolls.Lauren is the self proclaimed queen of this school."
She said with gritted teeth.

"Geez,, Mia that's my  sister you're talking about. " I exaggerated.

Mia's brown eyes glinted as she scanned the whole cafeteria. She seemed to be looking for somebody. "You are in such a bad mood today. " I said.

"She is not a self proclaimed queen, she was homecoming queen last year. " Jenny muttered. No, she didn't. That was a touchy topic for Mia and she got all defensive on the mention of the topic.

Homecoming was around the corner and I knew she would do anything to win the crown.

"This time I will not come in second, Mia Reeds will be number one. " Mia glowered and let out a harsh breath. Mia always addressed herself in third person when it came to beauty pageants.

"Cockiness is not a quality they look in homecoming queen. " Jenny chuckled and I hit her arm playfully.

My phone rang. It was an unsaved number.I stood up hastily and excused myself to answer the phone call.

"Hello." The so familiar voice said. With just that one word happiness made it's way to my heart. I had missed that voice so much.

"Hi." I said withholding  tears.

"I have missed you so much, Ivanna. "

"I've missed you even more dad." I uttered.

"You haven't visited me in a long time. What's going on? " Dad asked, I saw that coming it wasn't my nature to stand him up.

"I've been busy. " I lied. Technically, it wasn't a lie I was busy crying and hurting.

"I'll visit you tomorrow. "I promised. Tomorrow I will not let anything or anybody prevent me from meeting him.

"I will be looking forward to meeting you because I have good news for you. " He said. I heard some noises in the background.
"Gotta go, somebody else wants to use the phone. Love you, dear."

"Love you too, dad. " I said and he hung up the phone.


I was at the living room watching reruns of Charmed. It had been a long time since I sat at the living room. I preferred locking myself in my room to avoid everybody else. I was only here because I was waiting for Mia and Jenny.

The door bell rang. I switched off the TV and I went to open the door. I opened the door letting in Mia and Jenny.

"Just before you start with your bitchy rants Mia, Lauren is having a sleepover at her friend's place. " I assured Mia.

Her face lit up with joy. She hated Lauren before but when she became homecoming queen the hate mutplied a million times. She didn't even want to see her face or be near her vicinity.

She always double checked with me to ensure Lauren wasn't around before she came over.

"That's a relief. " She said as she jumped to the couch.

"What happened to your date,Jen? " I asked as picked up my phone. "The guy had somewhere else to go so he cancelled the date. " Jenny blankly said.

"We better go upstairs now. "I said as I stood up. Henry and mommy had gone for their date night and they could return soon and I did not want to run into them when they came back.

The girls followed me upstairs to my room.We watched mean girls for the thousandth time. I loved the movie but I hated it when Mia forced us to watch the movie every sleepover we had.

We did our manicures as we  listened to Mia rant about how she deserved to be homecoming queen. She was so passionate about being a model. I wish I could be so interested in something like her.

I lose interest in things as soon as I grow a liking in them. Mia was waiting to finish high school and move to New York to pursue her modelling career.

After endless hours of listening to Mia tell us about all the new diets she wants to try out we finally fell asleep.


I fluttered my eyes open, as the morning sun came in through my windows, good thing the curtains were down.

Bringing down my feet to the cold tiled floor, I stood up and went to the bathroom. I chose not to wake up Mia and Jenny because there was nothing scarier than a grumpy morning Jenny. She wasn't a morning person at all, I wasn't either but I had to wake up if I wanted to be in time to visit dad.

I took a long hot shower and after wrapping my body with a clean towel I came out of the bathroom. I decided to wear jeans and a black hoodie. The place I was going wasn't a place to wear short dresses or Mini-skirts.

It was 9 in the morning so I decided to let Mia and Jenny enjoy their beauty sleep for some more minutes before I woke them up.

After I put on my converse I made my way down stairs to look for nanny Carlotta.

Thanks to all the people who are reading my book. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.
Where do you think Ivanna's dad is??
Do you miss milton???
If you have any thoughts about where Ivan is tell me in the comments and also if you miss milton also let me know.

Thanks to all the people who are voting and commenting.

Question of the day:Who is your favourite actor in the fast and furious franchise???

Mine is Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham.I love their chemistry as frenemies.

Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked and enjoyed the chapter.


Clanty x.

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