Chapter 2

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"Who knew the great Ivanna had this weak soft spot?" Jake murmured. I could tell he just wanted to break the tension between us. I always had a wall built up, showing weakness was unacceptable.

If it was on a regular day when I didn't have my heart torn into a thousand pieces I would have clapped back but I didn't have anything to say to him. I just needed a shoulder to cry on and at this particular moment, he was the only form of support I had. Even if he was a wishy-washy support.

"Now, I understand why you always hated me... " I said with a very brittle voice.
"I would not say I hate you, hate is a very strong word," Jake said defensively," It's just that we were never on the same page."

When I looked at Jake I noticed a sense of care on his face is just that he was never the emotional type. He knew nothing about how to handle a heartbroken seventeen-year-old. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes and then I just finally broke and tears started rolling down my cheeks like rivulets.

This was the second time in my life somebody cheated on me. The first time it didn't hurt as much because I was never invested in the previous relationship. This was different I was with Milton for two years, I still could not wrap my head around the fact that he cheated on me.

"Enough with the self-pity," Jake said as he stood up. I gave him a quick look and I knew he wanted me to stand up but I didn't want to. I looked up at the clear blue sky. It was a full moon night and Milton also asked me to be his girlfriend on a full moon.

"Mil, tell me where you are taking me the suspense is killing me. "
"We are almost there, just be patient iva."
When Milton removed the blindfold my eyes feasted on the very beautiful scenery.

I saw a well-decorated table with rose petals over it and three candles on top of it. When I looked down I saw candles arranged side by side and little papers in between them leading to the table.

A candlelight dinner in my favorite spot at the beach.

(That's the candlelight dinner. Just imagine small papers attached to roses and are  placed where the rose petals are.)

I was starstruck, my heart was pounding and my breathing was getting heavy. A candlelight dinner at the beach was my ideal date. Could this boy get more attractive?

"Shall we my lady?" He asked with his husky voice. His voice alone could send shivers down my spine. His voice was so attractive. "I would like you to pick the papers and read what's written on them." He said and flashed one of his awesome smiles.

I crouched downwards and I picked up the first rosecrouched downwards and I picked it up the first paper.

2 months, 3days, 15 hours, and 31 minutes that's how long I have known you and that's so how long I have wanted to kiss you and say that Ivanna Adams is mine. "

"That's so precise" I smiled at him. I picked up the second paper together with the second rose and I smelled it. "Mmmh, it smells of lavender, my favorite scent."

"I remember when I looked at your large brown eyes and I instantly fell in love with you. Then all I could think of was lookin' at your eyes and getting lost in them for the rest of my life. "

All I could think of was what an ideal boyfriend Milton was. We walked a few more steps and I picked up the last paper.

"Your sweet voice takes away all my sadness. Your smile gives me hope. It's a magical feeling knowing we were meant to be. It does not matter how long it took you to come into my life what matters is that you are here. I would like to crown you the queen of my heart. "

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