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Happy reading lovies!!! ❤😚💖

I hate Mondays.

I was back again to this place that I detested so much.I thought after one week some other hot topic would emerge and people would be talking about it but my bad luck never left me nothing came up.

"I feel like it's been forever since we hang out. " Mia complained as we made our way done the hallway. "But I have been hitching a ride with you all week long. " I said.

"You did not come to cheer practice all week long and you still bailed on our girls night on Friday. " Mia whined. "You refused to come to the sleepover because of your date with Hayden. "

"Okay.But still you avoided everybody last week and you didn't come to lunch. You left me with Jenny ." Mia added.

After I convinced her I was going to spend more time with her she dropped the issue.I had chemistry and she had the French class her dad forces her to take.

I walked to the back of the class and slid into my seat. This class was going to be long. We had a substitute and nobody  pays attention to a sub.

I took out my magazine an hid it in my textbook. This was the only way to avoid listening to anybody out. Cardi filled for a divorce from offset and 2weeks later they got back together.That's interesting.

Milton sat next to me and I tried to ice him out for the whole lesson. He was a lot more persistent than last time. It took me a lot to ignore him because my heart was still aching for him, I missed him a lot.

"I'm sorry. "

I try to avoid him and zone out but it's so hard when I can feel him staring at me. "I'm sorry. "He says again. Why can't you just get I'm not in the mood to talk to you?

" What? "It's the only thing I manage to say.

" Did I stutter? "

"How many times are you gonna say sorry? " I ask still not looking up to him. "Look at me, Ivanna. "
I look at him briefly and I looked away Immediately.

"I'm done with you. Our relationship is over. "

"Ivanna, look at me. " He demands.

I let out a sigh of frustration and looked at him.

"I'm sorry. "

"Let it go Milton. We are over and no amount of apologies will change that. " That was hard to say. I did not want to break up with Milton. But until he gives me a good reason to forgive him I wasn't going to burge.

"Are you sure? " He asked firmly as he reached over and held my hand... I felt chills through my entire body. How am I supposed to avoid him when every touch of his arouses so much feelings in me.

"I.. I... " I tried to talk but I could not.

"If we are over then why do you have this ring? " He asked and he didn't move his eyes from mine. I was so used to wearing this promise ring that I even forgot I still had it on.

"I.. Forgot to take it off. " I lied nervously.

"Right." He smirked.

The bell chimes.I let out a sigh of relief. I pulled my hand from Milton and gathered my books ready to run out of this class. That was it with my interactions with Milton for the day. We only has one class together, earlier I felt really bad about it but right now it was in my favour.

I speed walked to my next class. Giving no chance to Milton to go after me and his love for education won't let him be late for a class. I had English next. Jenny and Mia were also in the class.

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