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"Will you spend the rest of your lives arguing about my name?"I interrupted their talk.

" Just be thankful that I don't have the power to change your name." My mom lamented.

If I was given a dollar every time we had this conversation I would be a rich woman and I would have already moved out of this toxic environment.

" Why did you call me?" I inquired to drop the name issue. "Your father and I noticed that you didn't come home until 3 in the morning. Where were you all night and who dropped you home last night? Explain yourself now Janice." She demanded with an orotund voice.

Whenever we had that voice we knew we were doomed. I could already smell the sweet smell of a lecture from mommy, the lecture which ended in me being grounded and saying goodbye to my credit cards.

I guess now Mia and I have to crawl back to our old habits of shoplifting. "Did you lose your ability to talk?" Henry asked, I hated listening to his raspy controlling voice. Who'm I kidding, I hate everything about him.

I couldn't afford to tell her the truth because it would only start another conversation which I didn't want to have. "This man is not my father and we all know that and no matter how you try to live in denial the truth will never change," I paused to read the expression on her face, she was getting angrier by the second.

I continued, "I just lost track of time and that was Jake, you do know Jake, right?" I prepared myself for what was to come.

"Henry is your father whether you like it or not and this is the last time I'm saying this. And again I don't want you to be hanging around those drunkard boys which you claim are your friends." Mommy warned.

Henry was just standing there his eyes glued to mine. How I detested how he looked at me. "This is my house, I feed you, clothe you, and also take care of you. As long as you live in my house you live by my rules. You are grounded for 3months, I don't want any of your friends coming here."

It's not your house it's father's.

"But mommy... " I whined.
"Ok, only Mia and you come home straight away from school."

" Tomorrow early in the morning, I want all of your credit cards on the kitchen counter. And by all, I mean all of them. Are we together Janice?"

"Yes." with that she and Henry walked away. I went to the wine cellar again and picked two bottles and I decided to go and lock myself in my room. I climbed the stairs looking around to make sure no one sees me with the wine bottles.

(That's Ivanna's bedroom

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(That's Ivanna's bedroom. Just looking at it, I wish it was my room. It's So beautiful)

I got in the room and took my phone and put the wine on the table in the middle of the room. I sat on the floor and started going through my contact list. I needed to talk to someone.

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